Nothing in this video is original, except the video: ‘Not Mine’
Creator Guy Trefler writes:
Not Mine is my graduate project in Graphic Design at the HIT college in Israel. My thesis is that nothing is original, therefore, none of the materials presented in the project were made by me. All of the 469 photos used in this video were taken out of Google’s image bank.
Animation 101: Giving your characters ‘The Illusion of Life’ (video)
How do animators give drawings The Illusion of Life? Cento Lodigiani explains:
The 12 basic principles of animation were developed by the ‘old men’ of Walt Disney Studios, amongst them Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston, during the 1930s.
Mas…Animation 101: Giving your characters ‘The Illusion of Life’ (video)
Write, shoot, draw for POCHO and become rich and famous*
You could be rich and famous*
That’s right — you sitting there in your PJs, bunny slippers and Frida Kahlo unibrow.
After all, you know better than other people on the Internets, and if you’re so smart, why aren’t you rich?
Donut despair! You can turn your Aztlan acumen into fame y fortune in a matter of weeks, and
It’s easier than you think.
These are the factoids:
This is a proven method that
- propelled openly-Chicano Lalo Alcaraz and Gustavo Arellano to writing gigs at a new Fox sitcom,
- zoomed actor and comic Al Madrigal to The Daily Show and
- teleported NYC standup Elise Roedenbeck from dimly-lit stages in the East Village to the bright TV lights of the new FUSION network in Miami.
Mas…Write, shoot, draw for POCHO and become rich and famous*
Throwback Thursday: ‘Those Darn White Kids’ (POCHO 2000 toons)
Lalo Alcaraz: How to draw a cartoon character (video)
POCHO Jefe-in-Chief Lalo Alcaraz offers a quick lesson in creating and drawing your own cartoon character.
Everything is possible ‘En Tus Brazos’ (video)
He was El Rey de Tango until the tragic accident. Will he ever dance again?
Contribute to POCHO, get discovered, become rich and famous*
You could be rich and famous*
That’s right — you sitting there in your PJs, bunny slippers and Frida Kahlo unibrow.
After all, you know better than other people on the Internets, and if you’re so smart, why aren’t you rich?
Donut despair! You can turn your Aztlan acumen into fame y fortune in a matter of weeks, and
It’s easier than you think.
These are the factoids:
This is a proven method that
- propelled openly-Chicano Lalo Alcaraz and Gustavo Arellano to writing gigs at a new Fox sitcom,
- zoomed actor and comic Al Madrigal to The Daily Show and
- teleported NYC standup Elise Roedenbeck from dimly-lit stages in the East Village to the bright TV lights of the new FUSION network in Miami.
Mas…Contribute to POCHO, get discovered, become rich and famous*
Hey Vato: What’s that smell? Is it the smell of Raiders football? (video)
Hey Vato’s Chuy, Smiley and the poet John Keats return to discuss the meaning of football, the love of Raider Nation and this pinche life in Bless Us Al Davis.
Your childhood cartoon heroes — where are they now? (toons)
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So, a couple of weeks ago, there was this link going around that depicts certain 90s cartoon characters “taking on” New York fashion week in trendy outfits. Among them are Lisa Simpson and Daria. When I saw this, the first thing I thought was, Ugh. Lisa Simpson, proud feminist with so much to say about gender roles, body shaming and capitalism, drawn in this hyper-thin, rich girl way? Why, baby Jesus? Why? My friends had the same question, plus not-so-thrilled reactions to Daria. You know Daria, who once said, …”edgy” occurs when middle-brow, middle-aged profiteers are looking to suck the energy–not to mention spending money–out of the “youth culture”? Yep, that Daria is depicted in overpriced clothes, standing in front of a Mercedes dealership. Yuck.
Mas…Your childhood cartoon heroes — where are they now? (toons)
Write for POCHO, earn the respect of your peers, mas o menos
Face it, pochos, money can’t buy you love. But respect —
And that’s why we want to remind you once again of a very special opportunity to earn the respect of your peers, street cred in your neighborhood and, possibly, the approbation of total strangers from all across the InterT00bZ, if not actual cash.
All you need to do is to send POCHO your dreams and nightmares for distribution on the World Wide Web — for the greater good of humanity.
Send original photos, videos, cartoons, illustrations, short stories and ñews that will amuse, titillate and elevate America.
Is that so much to ask? Srsly. These recent gems all came from “regular” folks just like you:
Mas…Write for POCHO, earn the respect of your peers, mas o menos
When life turns cartoonish, cartoonists turn pro (NSFW video)
She doesn’t like the crap he’s pulling and she tells him so, but is he listening? He visualizes a cartoon story board. [NSFW dirty audio in Castillian Spanish.]
POCHO Jefe-in-Chief Lalo Alcaraz explains himself (audio)
It’s Ray’s Podcast — from the Ciudad of Brotherly Love.
Mas…POCHO Jefe-in-Chief Lalo Alcaraz explains himself (audio)
Vintage 1968 anti-war video reborn: ‘Mickey Mouse In Vietnam’
This one-minute 1968 black and white short 16mm animation by Milton Glaser was thought to be lost, but it resurfaced a month ago. There are lots of versions floating around but we like this one with music.
Mickey is no stranger to controversy. Here are two recent Mouse-themed toons from POCHO Jefe-in-Chief Lalo Alcaraz:
Mas…Vintage 1968 anti-war video reborn: ‘Mickey Mouse In Vietnam’
Sr. Montecostes: Animated musical gory surrealistic beautiful video
From Argentina comes this day-glo mandala-meets-CGI-bloody-knife-wielding origami-looking creature feature with a techno-cumbia-sorta soundtrack by Mati Zundel and lyrics we can’t figure out. Sr. Montecostes is by Luis Suarez.
He starts out sketchy, then he turns into ‘Quite A Character’ (video)
“This is my draw…. Is a rebel guy that want to be a real portrait, and not a cartoon, but I don’t listen his petition, I only play with him and I bother him. Then my character avenge. | Éste es mi dibujo…. Es un chico rebelde que quiere ser un retrato real, y no una caricatura, pero yo no escucho su petición, solo juego con él y lo molesto. Luego mi personaje se venga.”
— Neyra Reyes
Who lives in a piña under the sea? ‘Bob Esponja!’ (video)
He lives in a piña under the sea — Bob Esponja — and this is his cancion.
The lyrics:
Mas…Who lives in a piña under the sea? ‘Bob Esponja!’ (video)
Hide your kids, hide your wife: ‘El Vendedor de Humo’ is here (video)
He’s what we might call a snake oil salesman. El Vendedor de Humo — the smoke seller — is a master of wish fulfillment and deception. Why did he really come to town? Abuela is skeptical at first, but then…
POCHO’s Lalo Alcaraz toons up Sotomayor interview on ’60 Minutes’
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Was that a cartoon by POCHO Jefe-in-Chief Lalo Alcaraz hanging on Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s office wall in Sunday night’s 60 Minutes interview? Why yes it was!
Note from Lalo: The original cartoon, entitled L’il Judge Lopez, is signed by me and my daughter, who was the model/inspiration for the little girl in the toon.
Here’s the full-sized version of the cartoon and the 60 Minutes interview (cartoon @ 11:37):
Mas…POCHO’s Lalo Alcaraz toons up Sotomayor interview on ’60 Minutes’