Mas…La Cucaracha: Undocumented immigrants not too picky about dinner menu
Machete don’t bark! Danny Trejo for Friends of Animals (video)
Then there was that time Danny Trejo played a stray dog in a public service announcement for Friends of Animals.
Mas…Machete don’t bark! Danny Trejo for Friends of Animals (video)
Yes, this woman threw a quinceañera for her cat (photos)
San Francisco-based photographer Kira Stackhouse’s cat Ponette recently turned 15, and Ponette was all like I CAN HAZ QUINCE? so Kira threw Ponette a party.
Mas…Yes, this woman threw a quinceañera for her cat (photos)
Shocking herbal expose! ‘Catnip: Egress to Oblivion?’ (video)
Catnip is all the rage with today’s modern feline, but do we really understand it? This short video dares to expose the shocking facts about this controversial herb and shine a spotlight on what “nip” use is doing to America’s kittehs.
Video: Amadeus the Chihuahua plays pool
Some cats and dogs are smarter than people, according to a recent report. But you already knew that, didn’t you? Sit. Sit. That’s a good pocho. Not convinced about the intelligence thing? You need to see these pussy cats perform Over the Rainbow.