Mas…La Cucaracha: Dear ClipClop – How can we miss you if you won’t go away?
There’s a poop for that! DEUCE schedules your sh!ts (video)
The new DEUCE app is #1 when it comes to scheduling your #2s.
Mas…There’s a poop for that! DEUCE schedules your sh!ts (video)
Belorussia’s ‘Life’ smartphones include Mexicans (video)
Every new smartphone from cellphone company Life in Belorussia includes festive Mexican mariachis! Order today!
Scary kid immigrants from Japan: ‘Emoji Among Us’ (video)
They entered our God-Blessed America via smartphones and social media, and now these pint-sized Japanese are everywhere. Were these yellow-skinned child-like emo pictograms invited? Do they even have documents, bro?
Mas…Scary kid immigrants from Japan: ‘Emoji Among Us’ (video)
¡Mira! Kids in Sinaloa photograph leprechauns (video)
The leprechauns are small, of course, and they live in trees in the Estado Libre y Soberano de Sinaloa. Some kids captured them with their phone cams, and we’ve got the Azteca Noticias news video.