Evangelical Latino Trump backer repents, seeks God’s forgiveness
(PNS reporting from TIO TACO, TENNESSEE) Jorge Fregado, executive director of the Hispanic Evangelical Legislative League (HELL), no longer supports the Trump Administration, he told friends here over the weekend.
Fregado (photo) — who hosted a party in Washington, D.C. over the night before the Inauguration — said he was disappointed by the GOP leader’s legislative agenda, and especially hurt since Trump attended his group’s gala celebration.
Mas…Evangelical Latino Trump backer repents, seeks God’s forgiveness
Batsh1t crazy TX Rep. Louie Gohmert: Beware of gays in space! (videos)
Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) has deep feels about his gay brothers and sisters in space because an asteroid killed the dinosaurs and what about extra-terrestrial colonies like Matt Damon and God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. He shared his concerns on the floor of the United States House of Representatives in late May.
Mas…Batsh1t crazy TX Rep. Louie Gohmert: Beware of gays in space! (videos)
Ted Cruz campaign tracts warn of ‘Satan’s Spiritual Structure’
While Senator Ted Cruz (R-Canadia) was telling the crowd “To God be the Glory” [In Arabic, this is “Allahu Akbar”] in his Des Moines, Iowa victory speech Monday night, PNS snagged an example of the tracts campaign aides were passing out to the crowd — tracts detailing the Christian Sharia Law we can expect under President Cruz.
The rest of the tract is here….
Home Team USA: People of Every Creed, Color, Heritage (1952 PSAs)
Three glorious black and white Public Service Announcements remind an “ordinary Joe” not to be “Joe Shmoe.” How? “Don’t be prejudiced.”
“Negroes and whites, Jews and Christians, [women are seen but not heard],” says the cheery announcer. “We are all in this together.” Also we’re all in the circus and on the baseball diamonds, high rise construction sites and neighborhood block parties.
Mas…Home Team USA: People of Every Creed, Color, Heritage (1952 PSAs)
Tuesday: English vato eats tacos al pastor in Mexico City (video)
The host of YouTube’s popular True Mexico channel — he’s apparently a Brit (no name) living in Mexico City — goes out for tacos al pastor. The 1960s origin of the vertical rotary grill is a contentious Mediterranean issue with Turkey (doner kabobs), Greece (gyros) and Lebanon (shwarma) all claiming firsties. We don’t care. Nom Nom nom.
Talk show caller outs the EPA’s anti-Christian gay Latino agenda (video)
A concerned viewer from Georgia called CSPAN to expose the Environmental Protection Agency’s secret anti-Christian pro-abortion gay Latino agenda, planned in conjunction with the Sierra Club. The international conspiracy seeks to reduce human population. It happened in Rio, as it turns out.
DJ for Juárez Catholic radio massages migrants’ feet (audio)
Migrants seeking a better life in El Norte often pause on the border across from El Paso — in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua — before they cross to El Otro Lado.
Jorge Gutierrez, a host on Radio Guadalupana, a religious station run by the Catholic Diocese of Juárez, is there for them. More than just a radio talker, he has put his faith (and hands) to work easing migrants’ pain. Public Radio International reports:
Feet are a symbolic part of practically every migrant’s story: They literally carry their owner’s weight along the length of an exhausting journey. And in the Mexican border city of Juárez, one man has made it his mission to care for this particular body part.
Here’s the radio report from Monica Oritz Uribe:
Mas…DJ for Juárez Catholic radio massages migrants’ feet (audio)
In the name of Jesus! This Mexican kid is harassing me! (video)
Too much caffeine? A “Christian” lady in an Oklahoma coffee shop has hella angry feels. “In the name of Jesus!” she exclaims. “This Mexican kid is harassing me!” We’re confused. Do you think his name might be Jesús? The video is from 2011, but crazy H8RZ are forever.
[Guest Editorial] Let’s face it, Morrissey was bad for Egypt
Morrissey was neither qualified nor cholafied to run Egypt. Totally in the Nile.
Srsly. “By order of the Prophet,” he banned that boogie sound. WTF?
Muslim Brotherhood, my peckerwood! If the rebels get re-Tweeted, the tyrant is defeated.
In ancient Africa, the pharoahs and pharoahitas communicated with Sirius the Dog Star — long before the white devils barked at the Moon. Nubians found the Monolith, and we were nubies no more.
Mas…[Guest Editorial] Let’s face it, Morrissey was bad for Egypt
It’s V-Day at Westboro Mingle, where haters become daters (video)
Haters need love, too, but where can haters go to fill the holes in their heart? Happy Valentine’s Day from Westboro Mingle, where haters can become daters. No Jews. No Mexicans. No blacks. No gays. No Jamaicans!
Mas…It’s V-Day at Westboro Mingle, where haters become daters (video)
Gringo uses the old Christianity trick to get past the MIGRA (video)
The best defense is good offense, pochos. Watch and learn!
If only these undocumented immigrants had seen the video before they got stopped in the middle of Oklahoma!
Mas…Gringo uses the old Christianity trick to get past the MIGRA (video)
Pocho Ocho reasons God Almighty loves Republicans
Bolivia puts Mother Earth over God, dooms country to Hell

(PNS reporting from BOLIVIA) Undoubtedly weakened by defending herself from deranged Islamo-fascists seeking to nestle in her naïve, hot-blooded bosom, Latin America has fallen victim to an even more dangerous attacker: The Green Dragon of Environmentalism.
Bolivia is slated pass unprecedented legislation that would grant the planet the same rights as human beings. The environment will be given special protections from industry and related development under the recently-proposed Law of Mother Earth. Socialist cocaine-growing President Evo Morales, the first openly-heathen president in Latin America, believes this legislation will help protect unwed whore Mother Earth from the fairy tale of climate change.
Mas…Bolivia puts Mother Earth over God, dooms country to Hell