What do real Americans say about Donald Trump? (video)
Forget the conspiracy of (((International Bankers))) and the (((Media Elite))) who are ganged up on Donald Trump. What do real voters have to say?
Señor El Trumpón, El Cabrón: Chinga tú dinero! (audio, lyrics)
POCHO amigos songwriters and singers Tapia Corel y Jim Rhodes (aka Partners in Crime) present Trumpón, “…inspired by the antics of Donald Trump, who has continued to defy disbelief, no matter what he says or does.”
Los lyrics:
Mas…Señor El Trumpón, El Cabrón: Chinga tú dinero! (audio, lyrics)
On November 8, PUSSY GRABS BACK – the NSFW music video
On November 8, PUSSY GRABS BACK!. [Music video by Kim Boekbinder.] (NSFW F-Bomb.)