All the Mexican immigrant wanted was a hug and some conversation. His guera Texas girlfriend? Not so much. [Video by Luis Fernando Puente.]
Video: He just wanted to take a sh*t, then THIS happened!
It was just another day, another dump in a stall in the bathroom at the office, and then THIS happened!
Mas…Video: He just wanted to take a sh*t, then THIS happened!
We’re chatting like it’s 1989 in POCHO’s NowTalk chatroom
We’re open for beta testing! POCHO is please to semi-stealthfully debut a new feature, a live 24/7 chat widget.
- Thrill! As Pochodores like Santino J. Rivera show up to rant about Sheriff Joe and Rick Bayless!
Mas…We’re chatting like it’s 1989 in POCHO’s NowTalk chatroom
A Latina’s Guide: How to talk to a racist
As unfortunate a reality as it may be, one way or another in our country, you’re going to have to deal with someone who is racist, or at least holds a little bit of prejudice.
What’s even more unfortunate is that you’re most likely to come across someone who doesn’t necessarily know that they are prejudiced, and thus, pointing out this behavior or dealing with it may be a bit more difficult for you.
Now, say that you are a Latina and so have to deal with society’s sexist — as well as racist — attitudes and all of a sudden you find yourself in a bit of a bind. How does one fight The Man, preconceived notions of femininity (from both American and Latino cultures), civility standards, sexism and racism all at once?
I have a few tips that I thought might be useful, so here we go:
1. Don’t blow up