How to make homemade burritos that do not suck (video)
He says his name is Internet Shaquille and calls this a cooking show. Despite all that, he has some good advice on the proper approach to burrito preparation, beginning with the correct tortilla.
Nixtamalization means fresh tortillas at South Philly Barbacoa (video)
When you bite into a taco, you are tasting the results of an ancient chemical process called nixtamalization. It’s a technique that hasn’t changed much since 1500 BCE, and along the way it helped the Aztecs rise to power and made tortillas softer, tastier, and much more nutritious. Today, Benjamin Miller and Christina Martinez are the only chefs in Philadelphia making their tortillas from scratch, which means they practice the ancient art of nixtamalization.
Mas…Nixtamalization means fresh tortillas at South Philly Barbacoa (video)
POCHO HISTORY 101: ‘Americanizing’ Mexicans by changing their diet
Do you accept the claim that your food choices determine your social order in this world?
And do you accept that conforming to white American norms in eating is important in transforming people of color into better citizens? Will assimilating one’s food choices make people of color less prone to crime and revolutionary tendencies?
Believe it or not, this is something that has been explored and well discussed in our communities for over a century.
In the 1920s in Southern California there were social reformers who were sent on transform the eating choices made by the public, especially among the immigrant working-class.
One of the most notable reformers to arise in this era was a lady by the name of Pearl Idelia Ellis, of the Department of Americanization and Homemaking, of Covina City Elementary Schools.
She was the author the guide Americanization though Homemaking which was published in 1929, detailing her work.
Mas…POCHO HISTORY 101: ‘Americanizing’ Mexicans by changing their diet
Tia Lencha’s Cocina: I Teash You How to Make the Three Kings Bread
Hello! Is Tia Lencha here! Today I teash you to make the Three Kings Bread, ju know, the one with the Baby Jesus in it? Jes, tha one.
I haf many things to celebrate, m’ijo get good grades, he has good healthy, he still helps me put my recipes on the google, and oso, Tia Lencha has a novio. Jes, a new one. Don’t jodge. His name is Axl Rosen. He is a Jewish. He didn’t know what the Three Kings Bread is, so I make for him.
Mas…Tia Lencha’s Cocina: I Teash You How to Make the Three Kings Bread
Happy Guacamole Wednesday! Enjoy some ‘Fresh Guacamole’ (video)
According to POCHO Jefe-in-Chief Lalo Alcaraz 2017 Calendar, it’s Gucamole Wednesday, and that’s why we’re sharing the best guacamole video ever:
Mas…Happy Guacamole Wednesday! Enjoy some ‘Fresh Guacamole’ (video)
Tia Lencha’s Cocina: Roasted Red Chanukah Christmas Kwanzaa Salsa
Ju want to give presens to eberyone on your Chrismas list or Chanukah or Kwanzaa or Reyes Magos or Chinese Year but ju are short on dinero? No worry! Tia Lencha is going to give ju recipe for to make the oven roast red salsa!
Is nice! Is a good gift for the peoples! And is easy! No like making mole for Turkey Day.
I make this salsa to give to my comadres and the lob it. They have little hearts in their eyes when they see my salsa. They eat with almost eberything. They say they fight their childrens and viejos to eat the last drops of it in the jar. Is that good. Oso, it don’t matter if the peoples are no Mexican. The peoples at my job are no Mexican and they ask me for the salsa.
Mas…Tia Lencha’s Cocina: Roasted Red Chanukah Christmas Kwanzaa Salsa
This is our #2 go-to recipe for ‘Awesome Mexican Beef Curry’ (video)
The Good Food channel on YouTube video offers our SECOND favorite “Mexican curry” recipe. We like this older “Mexican curry” video better because we can understand what the guy is saying.
Hey Vato! Chuy and Angie discuss modern gender roles (NSFW video)
Hey Vato’s Chuy is hungry so asks his sister Angie to make some food, because that’s what women do, right? Angie is not in complete agreement. [NSFW adult language.]
When life hands you a blob of masa, make tamales!
When I arrived at Northgate Gonzalez market and was immediately handed a free apron that read I ❤️ Tamales and several blobs of uncooked masa, I knew immediately I had made the right decision for a Friday night.
Even my mother, who invited herself along after her favorite novela was cancelled due to soccer, looked grudgingly impressed. She’d spent the entire ride complaining she did not need tamales-cooking classes because she was a world-class tamales expert.
Let me be clear: In all the years I’ve been alive, my mother has never produced a single tamal.
Instead, she criticizes everyone else’s tamales.
IBM’s Watson concocted a burrito and it totally sucked
IBM’s Watson artificial intelligence supercomputer plays chess, searches out lung cancer cures and creates recipes like delicious BBQ sauce. But when Watson used its big silicon cabeza to come up with a burrito, Big Blue flunked the taste test.
Ask A Mexican: Do all Mexiguys want a woman who cooks? (video)
Dear Gustavo ¡Ask A Mexican! Arellano:
Is it true that the way to a Mexican guy’s corazon is through his panza? And if so, why?
[Possible F Bomb at the tail end of this video.]
Tia Lencha’s Cocina: Roasted Red Hanukkah Christmas Kwanzaa Salsa
Ju want to give presens to eberyone on your Chrismas list or Hanukkah or Kwanzaa or Reyes Magos or Chinese Year but ju are short on dinero? No worry! Tia Lencha is going to give ju recipe for to make the oven roast red salsa!
Is nice! Is a good gift for the peoples! And is easy! No like making mole for Turkey Day.
I make this salsa to give to my comadres and the lob it. They have little hearts in their eyes when they see my salsa. They eat with almost eberything. They say they fight their childrens and viejos to eat the last drops of it in the jar. Is that good. Oso, it don’t matter if the peoples are no Mexican. The peoples at my job are no Mexican and they ask me for the salsa.
Mas…Tia Lencha’s Cocina: Roasted Red Hanukkah Christmas Kwanzaa Salsa
Tia Lencha’s Cocina: How ju make Mijo’s favorite Mole Poblano turkey
Hola. Is Tia Lencha here. Sorry I no give ju recetas (recipes for ju pochos) for a gwhile. Mijo’s daddy no send the cheques for the mijo support. I mad.
Then he go to my house crying because the eskelton eskank he marry left him for another viejo (old man for ju pochos). The viejo had more dinero and drive a troka (thas truck for ju pochos) with plastic bolitas hanging from the bumper. Oh gwell.
In Mexico we say mijo’s daddy got put horns. Mijo’s daddy cry and cry but he no give me my mijo support cheque. I tell him my house is no LenchaCare. He need to pay. He say need money for divorce the eskank. I have to go to the offices to get him to pay.
Mas…Tia Lencha’s Cocina: How ju make Mijo’s favorite Mole Poblano turkey
Pre-Hispanic ingredients like bugs make Mexican food special (video)
Long before the European invasion, the original inhabitants of Mexico were making amazingly complex food and taking complete of advantage of every creature that flew, swam, wriggled or crawled. That’s right. We’re talking edible insects. Correspondent Aissa García reports from Mexico, DF for Conexión Global on Caracas, Venezuela network teleSUR:
Mas…Pre-Hispanic ingredients like bugs make Mexican food special (video)
Watch this Pakistani man make mega tortillas de harina
Actually, they call this flatbread “roti” or “chapati” in Pakistan and India but they’re all tortillas to me. Note: Totally tubular comal!
Mexican cuisine? It’s multicultural by definition (audio)
Gustavo Arellano (the ¡Ask A Mexican! guy and editor of the OC Weekly) says Mexi food is multicultural by definition.
“Beer, bacon-wrapped hot dogs, teriyaki bowls are just a few of the foods that have bounced back and forth across Mexico’s borders, ” he explained to American Public Media’s Splendid Table radio program.
Mas…Mexican cuisine? It’s multicultural by definition (audio)
¡Mira! Meet ‘Mi Madre’ (Vine video)
Rudy Mancuso wants you to meet his mom. No moms were tortured in the making of this video. [With these Vine videos, there’s an audio/speaker/volume icon that pops up when you hover over the top-left corner on the video.]
One (Delicious) Minute in Mexico [video]
The Perennial Plate ate some good food in Mexico and refried it into a beautiful and tempting one-minute video, One Minute in Mexico. The music is Por El Suelo by Olmeca.
Tia Lencha’s Cocina: Roasted red Chanukah Christmas Kwanzaa salsa
Ju want to give presens to eberyone on your Chrismas list or Chanukah or Kwanzaa or Reyes Magos or Chinese Year but ju are short on dinero? No worry! Tia Lencha is going to give ju recipe for to make the oven roast red salsa!
Is nice! Is a good gift for the peoples! And is easy! No like making mole for Turkey Day.
I make this salsa to give to my comadres and the lob it. They have little hearts in their eyes when they see my salsa. They eat with almost eberything. They say they fight their childrens and viejos to eat the last drops of it in the jar. Is that good. Oso, it don’t matter if the peoples are no Mexican. The peoples at my job are no Mexican and they ask me for the salsa.
Mas…Tia Lencha’s Cocina: Roasted red Chanukah Christmas Kwanzaa salsa
Tia Lencha’s Cocina: How I make turkey in Mole Poblano for mijo
Hola. Is Tia Lencha here. Sorry I no give ju recetas (recipes for ju pochos) for a gwhile. I was closed like the gobernment. Mijo’s daddy no send the cheques for the mijo support. I mad.
Then he go to my house crying because the eskelton eskank he marry left him for another viejo (old man for ju pochos). The viejo had more dinero and drive a troka (thas truck for ju pochos) with plastic bolitas hanging from the bumper. Oh gwell.
In Mexico we say mijo’s daddy got put horns. Mijo’s daddy cry and cry but he no give me my mijo support cheque. I tell him my house is no LenchaCare. He need to pay. He say need money for divorce the eskank. I have to go to the offices to get him to pay.
Mas…Tia Lencha’s Cocina: How I make turkey in Mole Poblano for mijo
Henry’s Kitchen: How to make very sad anytime chili for one (video)
Henry Phillips, who grew up in New Jersey and got once beaned by a rock his brother threw, prepares Henry’s Anytime Chili for One, but first he needs to convert from metric, and then down-size the family-sized recipe because he’s only making dinner for himself. That involves dividing by seven, which is easier said than done. [NSFW language.]
Dear Guy Who Just Made My Burrito: Have you ever been to Earth?
This is an epic rant by @LuckyShirt, who says he is not really THAT angry:
Have you ever been to Earth? On Earth, we use the word “burrito” to describe a tortilla filled with things you eat.
Pretty simple stuff, and I’m surprised you at least got that part right. My burrito was, in fact, filled with food. In this, you and I agree and are friends.
Mas…Dear Guy Who Just Made My Burrito: Have you ever been to Earth?
How does your state rate in the Mexican restaurant wars?
It’s no secret that Americans love Mexican food — Gustavo ¡Ask A Mexican! Arellano’s book Taco USA celebrated that aspect of the Reconquista last year.
But not all of the United Estates is created equal, and in some areas of the country there is a shocking Mexican restaurant shortage!
There are more Mexican restaurants than Italian bistros, Chinese kitchens, chicken rotisseries, or seafood shacks in the US. We’re talking about no less than 38,000 Mexican restaurants dispersed all across the American landscape (as of 2011).
Mas…How does your state rate in the Mexican restaurant wars?
Woman is told ‘Cup O Noodles is not fideo,’ then gets dumped
(PNS reporting from EAST LOS) Paola Lopez’ dreams were shattered and her heart was broken Friday after she prepared sopa de fideo for her boyfriend, Sunny Vargas.
“I just thought it would be nice to make him a quick snack before we went out,” the 28-year-old woman tearfully recounted to PNS. “Then all of a sudden he got all mad and left me. He broke up with me in a text that night.”
The tragedy began Tuesday when Vargas, a sales representative for a Pico Rivera power tools importer and distributor, told Lopez that one of his favorite dishes (and thus a requirement to be considered “wife material”) was sopa de fideo, like his mom Victoria makes.
The shocking conclusion came Friday evening.
Mas…Woman is told ‘Cup O Noodles is not fideo,’ then gets dumped
1. Cook sauce 2. Drown eggs 3. Breakfast taco 4. Nom nom (video)
First prepare the sauce, then cook the sauce, then add the eggs, then fill up that breakfast taco! Florida college student Constanza Gallardo makes Huevos Ahogados — drowned eggs — for her Mexican Breakfast.
Tía Chita: ‘It’s final! I’ve absolutely, positively made my last tamal!’
(PNS reporting from LAREDO) Tia Chita will not be hosting the annual holiday season tamalada at her house this year, she revealed to her family last night. As a matter of fact, she told stunned participants at her niece’s baby shower, she never wants to make another tamal in her life.
“First of all, I’m sick of all the gossip!” she shouted, pacing around the room quicker and quicker the more excited she became.
“I know the tamaladas are where all the comadres are supposed to catch up on ‘family news’ and everything, but did you ever think that I really don’t care who’s sleeping with whom and who’s going to have a baby? Ya estoy vieja, I’ve been a million weddings already!”
Chita is sick of everyone coming over to eat her food and then leaving dirty napkins everywhere, staining her nice couches with tamal grease, she said. Sometimes the bathroom gets stopped up, and she has to have the neighbor come over with the plumber’s snake. “He’s not a smell-good plumber,” she grimaced.
Mas…Tía Chita: ‘It’s final! I’ve absolutely, positively made my last tamal!’
Mayans cooked their food with balls, archaeologists say
The ancient Mayans cooked their food with balls, according to recent archaeological discoveries.
The 1-2-inch clay balls were unearthed at an excavation of a kitchen at Escalera al Cielo in Yucatán.
Thought to be 1000 years old, the balls contained microscopic pieces of maize, beans, squash and root crops.
Letter to the Editor: Thank you, organic cocks/hens as appropriate
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This Letter to the Editor came in via our SUBMIT link. We’d like to hear from you, too!
Dear organic chicken or chickens (or cocks and/or hens) who were the source of the two thighs I ate last night:
Thank you for your lives.
I guess it is presumptuous to write to you since we never met when you were alive and now you’re dead and I ate you. Actually, I don’t know really know WHO to thank since it’s unclear if these were a matched set of thighs (left and right) from a single chicken or whether they were two thighs from two chickens and now that I think about it I didn’t even check to see if they were left or right and how would I know?
Mas…Letter to the Editor: Thank you, organic cocks/hens as appropriate
Amazing surrealist video: ‘Fresh Guacamole’ (delicious, too!)
POCHO has a cooking video from My Drunk Kitchen (tacos) and recipes from Tia Lencha’s Cocina (aphrodisiac salsa) but we’ve never wanted to taste anything as much as this extra special Fresh Guacamole! There’s more about how and why they make this video magic at the PES site. Molcajete optional.