Tips for crossing the border, paper fortune teller style (photos, video)

What do you need to know when crossing to El Norte from Tijuana? One artist who lived that life incorporated all she learned into origami “cootie catcher” fortune teller paper tip sheets. (Silent video, above.)

Isabella Cruz-Chong grew up in Tijuana, she explained to POCHO in an email, “and I would constantly cross between Tijuana and San Diego. The instructions originated from common rules most people from there know, personal instructions that my parents used to tell me when I was growing up. Some are my own that I have learned that are important to be aware of. All of the instructions are written in my own words.”

Mas…Tips for crossing the border, paper fortune teller style (photos, video)

Mom puts cross on son’s front lawn to mark another failed relationship

crossonlawn(PNS reporting from HOUSTON) Sara Maestas placed a two-foot-high cruz on her only son’s lawn early this morning — a cross in remembrance of his latest failed relationship.

The 32-year-old transactional lawyer got dumped Saturday night by his novia, less than 20 minutes after he blew off a dinner date. And now his mother’s white polystyrene cross, adorned with flowers, sits front and center on Benjamin Maestas’ lawn in Montrose.

Just before a scheduled 6 PM Saturday rendezvous at Hugo’s Regional Mexican Cuisine, girlfriend Vicki Gardea got a text from Maestas saying he couldn’t meet due to “a short deadline to close on a shopping center for a multinational client.”

Mas…Mom puts cross on son’s front lawn to mark another failed relationship