Mas…La Cucaracha: Tlaloc, Tlaloc – Why have you forsaken us?
Cuidado driving that rocket bike in the desert or you’ll ‘Suffer’ (video)
In Suffer, from GastarBetter, repeats a valuable lesson: Keep your eyes on the road, especially if you are wearing a crazy sombrero and driving a rocket bike across the desert.
To win playing BORDERS, you need to beat La Migra (video)
BORDERS is a game from Gonzalo Alvarez where players walk in the shoes of an immigrant to endure the danger of a journey across the desert. You only win if you can avoid La Migra and beat the heat by hiding under bushes and staying hydrated. Many make the journey towards the border with the promise of a better life, but only the fittest survive.
Mas…To win playing BORDERS, you need to beat La Migra (video)
Ask your Mexican if Bayer® aspirin is right for you (video)
Headache? Cold? Flu? Rheumatism? Is your horse sick and tired too? Surrounded by desert, cacti and vultures? Ask a Mexican cabellero with an English accent if Bayer® aspirin is right for you!
Mas…Ask your Mexican if Bayer® aspirin is right for you (video)
Your Moment of Zen: The Biosphere of the Sonoran Desert (video)
Go to full screen and serious sound to experience the the stark natural beauty of the Gran Desierto de Altar in Sonora, Mexico, which has been designated a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. Music: Sinfonía India by Mexican composer Carlos Chávez. [Video by PALAN7HIR.]
Mas…Your Moment of Zen: The Biosphere of the Sonoran Desert (video)
Hold the OVNI – all ‘El Mexican’ wants is a nice cool one (video)
Nothing like a cool refreshing cerveza on a hot dusty desert day. El Mexican gets all that, and more.
SadGirl music video: ‘Norma and Jessica’ (with Danny Trejo)
When you and a newly-released ex-con drive through the desert in a car with no name, watch out for Danny Trejo. L.A. homies SadGirl serve up a stunning video with a bloody love story for the moody surf guitar instrumental Norma and Jessica.
Mas…SadGirl music video: ‘Norma and Jessica’ (with Danny Trejo)
Bandido learns the hard way: ‘El Terror’ stalks Sonora (video)
It’s already a bad day for El Bandido in the scorching hot Sonoran desert, but bad turns to worse when he decides to mess with a four-year-old niña. PRO TIP: Never make El Terror angry. [Video by Franco E.]
R. Crumb 1970: Mr. Natural’s 719th Meditation (video)
Mr. Natural’s 719th Meditation by R. Crumb was first published as a comic in 1970. Crumb created ZAP Comix and is the artist behind 60s and 70s memes like Mr. Natural, Fritz the Cat, and Keep On Truckin. This new YouTube version of the strip adds music and sound effects.
Tia Lencha’s Cocina: My heart is so broke, I make Heartbreak Buñuelos
Hola. Is Tia Lencha here. My heart is broke. I no have a novio anymore. My comadre say there is something wrong with all the mens on the Google. Is true. In this case, I wasn’t enough of a man for him. Oh gwell.
I oso a little heartbreak because my carro (thas car for ju pochos) die. My comadre say that only my luck gwith mens is worser than my luck gwith carros.
Oso, I am very heart break because of the 43 estudents that got kill and throwed away in Mexico.
Then I saw Mijo look sad jesterday and ask him what wrong. He say that he is sad because the police who kill Michael Brown and Eric Garner got out for free. He say this country is no the country of freedom if black mens cannot gwalk the streets without getting kill.
Mas…Tia Lencha’s Cocina: My heart is so broke, I make Heartbreak Buñuelos
Kilometer-long earthquake fissure splits Sonora (drone video)
An earthquake last week opened up a giant fissure in the desert west of Hermosillo, in the northern Mexican state of Sonora. The crack in the earth is 1 kilometer long and up to 25 feet deep in some stretches. This drone video shows Nature’s awesome power.
He’s been to the desert on a banana with one name: Bonito (video)
A wrenching tale of a desert crossing: A lone banana on a mission to el otro lado. Can Bonito make it?
Xochitl Julisa Bermejo: ‘Our Lady of the Water Gallons’ (video)
Xochitl Julisa Bermejo is a poet and teacher from Asuza, CA who volunteered with No More Deaths, a humanitarian organization providing water bottles in the Arizona desert where immigrants crossing from Mexico often die of exposure. She read her poem Our Lady of the Water Gallons at a Mental Cocido (Mental Stew) gathering of Latino authors.
In the border badlands, it’s migrants vs vigilantes, hope vs hate (video)
Gustavo Aguilar and Juan Cabrera, Mexican day laborers alone in a Twilight Zone desert, are confronted by a screaming protest against illegal immigration. Ours is a world of mirage and illusion, they remind us, and you have to believe it to see it.
The Coachella art scene, home made by The Date Farmers (video)
East of Los Angeles via Interstate 10 lies the Coachella Valley, home of the desert oasis of Palm Springs, a famed music festival and acres of stately date palms.
On the wrong side of tracks, in the town of Coachella, there’s a group of Chicano artists who call themselves The Date Farmers. They make art out of love for themselves and their neighbors. This is their story. (Apologies to iOS users. KCET insists on using Flash.)
Pocho Ocho reasons Latinos don’t usually encounter UFOs (videos)

8. If you spend your time looking up, someone will steal your wallet.
7. The only real flying object threat is a chancla.
6. We find the word “alien” pejorative and didactic. (Don’t hate on PhDs)
Mas…Pocho Ocho reasons Latinos don’t usually encounter UFOs (videos)