Mas…La Cucaracha: Try Our All New Same Old Nepo Latté Grandé Flat White!
I’m not changing my name to give White people diversity cred
I am a mixed-race person. My father’s indigenous ancestors are from multiple tribes of present-day Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Northern Mexico, and throughout the Americas. They’ve been on this land for over ten thousand years. My other ancestors through him hail from Mexico, West Africa, and Spain.
I was raised to believe I am White. My mom is White, of Scottish, Swedish, and French descent, and the man who raised me is a tall blonde man of Dutch-Polish descent. That’s where I get my last name – Vande Panne. It is Dutch in origin, most likely from the village of De Panne on the present-day Belgian coast.
Mas…I’m not changing my name to give White people diversity cred
(PNS reporting from HOLLYWOOD) Latino media crix nix the new prime-time fall tele sked in latest minority tubthump, claiming the nets are ignoring a whammo part of the aud by nixing topline talent of color. They also accuse not only webs, but percenteries, individual percenters, reps, prexies and veeps for the lack of color in the ranks of exex, scribblers, scripters, scribes, helmers and thesps.
The Kids Я All Right Dept: Taco truck? How about a taco SHIP! (video)
POCHO’s Associate Naranjero ¡Ask A Mexican! Gustavo Arellano wrote a whole book about how tacos are American as apple pie — TACO USA — which you can buy on Amazon.
Taco Truck and Taco Ship, a short commercial for happy, fun futuristic taco technology by students Sum, Quintin, and Samuel of the Blaine County School District in Idaho, proves Gustavo’s point. Also on sale at Amazon. 😉
Hollywood producer’s Twitter feed highlights sexism in scripts
Film producer Ross Putman’s new Twitter feed @FemScriptIntros shares the lines from film scripts where female characters are introduced. To protect the innocent(?), Putman has changed all their names to JANE. The excerpts speak volumes about how “The Industry” thinks about women. Unlike all the women, it’s not a pretty picture.
Here is his Twitter feed in real time:
Mas…Hollywood producer’s Twitter feed highlights sexism in scripts
What they complaining about? Of course the Oscars are diverse! (toon)
[Republished with special permission of our amigos at, which is launching soon!]
Rednecks With Attitude: ‘Straight Outta Compton’ (NSFW video)
Would the nominees at the OSCARs be any different if Academy voters had seen this cowboy version of Straight Outta Compton when it came out in 2009? How about Donald Trump’s B.E.T Awards? [Totally NSFW adult lyrics, F-bombs, N-word, etc.] (Video by CowboyGangstaRap.)
A funny thing happened on the way to ‘Bordertown’
Hola. I’m Lalo Alcaraz. You might know me.
I have been a Chicano political cartoonist forever. I know, I know, it’s God’s work, you’re welcome. Now, all of a sudden I’m a primetime TV writer and producer. Huh? Yes, the last two years in my life have been a super WTF. With ten percent LOL. #facepalm
Like it or not, I am now part of a historic pop culture moment: the first season of the first animated primetime TV show featuring a large cast of Mexican and Mexican-American characters: Bordertown.
Hollywood and Silicon Valley agree: ‘We dig diversity!’ (photo)
[Photo via Paul Coelho. Thanks!]