Sexual harassment is everywhere, not just Hollywood! Shocking, no?

Currently, the focus is on Hollywood and Harvey Weinstein, who has been accused of harassment, attacks, and/or rape by over 70 women. This evil industry. Hollywood.

Shocking, no?

No, carnales. Before the Weinstein story broke, Bill Cosby, the sweater-wearing, jello-eating [alleged] rapist, was accused of attacking or raping 41 women. Did we forget about him? To date, he has not been convicted. People still defend him.

Mas…Sexual harassment is everywhere, not just Hollywood! Shocking, no?

The border is a river and there’s a ‘Ferryman at the Wall’ (video)

Originally proposed as an international peace park with Mexico, Big Bend, Texas has a unique relationship with its southern neighbor. For the past 40 years, Mike Davidson — the Ferryman at the Wall — has been ferrying tourists across the Rio Grande for a little taste of Mexican life. He’d like to keep it that way, but some orange pendejo wants to build a great big border wall to divide the park.