The border is a river and there’s a ‘Ferryman at the Wall’ (video)

Originally proposed as an international peace park with Mexico, Big Bend, Texas has a unique relationship with its southern neighbor. For the past 40 years, Mike Davidson — the Ferryman at the Wall — has been ferrying tourists across the Rio Grande for a little taste of Mexican life. He’d like to keep it that way, but some orange pendejo wants to build a great big border wall to divide the park.

Pocho Ocho worst new names for Hispanic Heritage Month

The pinche Trump administration is stuck with the annual observance of National “Hispanic” Heritage Month 2017, which begins today, but that doesn’t mean they like it. The POCHO news team has learned that the white wing traitors, crooks, and colluders at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue ran through a list of alternative names for the observance before being shot down by the only Latina Trump knows — Lisa A Malinche, a low-level staffer.

Here are the Pocho Ocho worst new names for Hispanic Heritage Month:

Mas…Pocho Ocho worst new names for Hispanic Heritage Month

Evangelical Latino Trump backer repents, seeks God’s forgiveness

(PNS reporting from TIO TACO, TENNESSEE) Jorge Fregado, executive director of the Hispanic Evangelical Legislative League (HELL), no longer supports the Trump Administration, he told friends here over the weekend.

Fregado (photo) — who hosted a party in Washington, D.C. over the night before the Inauguration — said he was disappointed by the GOP leader’s legislative agenda, and especially hurt since Trump attended his group’s gala celebration.

Mas…Evangelical Latino Trump backer repents, seeks God’s forgiveness