Donald Trump
Wharton School transfer student from Queens makes shitstory.
Dutch Documentary: Trump is all tied up with the Russian mob (video)
Dutch reporters from the ZEMBLA TV program have been studying the Cheeto Bandito and his ties with shadow Russki figures. Here’s what they found:
Mas…Dutch Documentary: Trump is all tied up with the Russian mob (video)
The continuing saga of Donald Trump, the Hustler
Trump — as President of the United States — has continued to hustle the American public
In a September essay, I argued that then-presidential candidate Donald J. Trump was hustling the American public. Now, thanks to the support of the FBI’s James Comey,* Russia’s Vladimir Putin and WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange, Trump — as President of the United States — has continued to hustle the American public. Given his mastery, his next book should be titled The Art of the American Hustle.
Why did Trump fire FBI director Comey? (toon)
Nam nam? Spanish ‘Tapas’ magazine features Trump on cover (photo)
¿Cuáles son los platos favoritos de los amos del mundo? ¿Y del presidente @realDonaldTrump? Averígualo en el nuevo número de @TapasMagazine.
— Tapas Magazine (@TapasMagazine) May 3, 2017
Bananas. Ham? Baloney? Salami at the bottom? We haven’t seen an actual print copy. Have you?
Happy May Day 2017 from the Workers of the World (video, lyrics)
Enjoy the Internacional, the world-wide (Get it? It’s international!) anthem of those commie cabrones in Cuba and Venezuela and China and North Korea (and lurking in secretive Sanders cells here in the Homeland but the libtard lamestream media sheeple won’t tell you that).
Today, May 1, is May Day AKA International Workers’ Day, when the comrades sing this stirring appeal, with its hummable melody and a vague vision of making the future great again that’s hard to disagree with, except maybe the LUCHA FINAL aspect.
Mas…Happy May Day 2017 from the Workers of the World (video, lyrics)
Trump and O’Reilly up in a tree, A-S-S-A-U-L-T-I-N-G (toon)
1960s folk legend Joan Baez is back: ‘Nasty Man’ (video)
New York-born pocha Joan Baez came out of retirement to write, perform, and release a song about Trump. For some reason she calls it Nasty Man.