Montebello lines up to beat Donald Trump piñatas (video)

powertrumpTacos Don Chente in Montebello, CA was juan cool place to hang out Wednesday as Power 106’s morning show host J Cruz raised hell at a Donald Trump piñata-bashing party. And free tacos.

Mexican Independence Celebrations often are more fiesta than political bashes in the United Estates, but this year is different. Cruz and his crew set up a terrific fiesta. Now if we can only get La Raza to vote with their ballots, and not just with their colorful frilly piñata sticks…

Mas…Montebello lines up to beat Donald Trump piñatas (video)

That time when Sylvester Stallone was a Mexican cover boy (toons)

argosythrillfWith all the press he is getting, you would think that Pendejo-of-the-Century Donald Trump had invented all the twisted tales of Mexicans floating on the interwebs.

But our pasty-faced, combover fatboy is not the first and not the last of the foolios who will get rich (and famous) for spouting hate-laced bon mots on the hygiene, sexual practices, and criminality of Mexicans or any other Latina/o for that matter.

Here, in some graphics from the 30s, we see some early 20th Century meditations on Latina/o/Hispanic subjectivities from the pages of Argosy Weekly.

As you can see, pulp magazine editors and illustrators were not ethnographers and whether the subjects depicted are Spanish, Argentine, or Mexican (or Italian — Sylvester Stallone?) is impossible to determine — though I am pretty sure the Buzzard Bait issue features some prehistoric Califas bandidos, and Señor Flatfoot’s “pampas” rogues look like they stepped out of the Mexico conjured in John Huston’s The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (which had not been made yet! Time travelers?)

Mas…That time when Sylvester Stallone was a Mexican cover boy (toons)

Trump represents the real GOP: Xenophobic, mean-spirited, pro top 1%

trumpheadroomIt’s not true that Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump only represents the extreme wing or “crazies” of the GOP. As a leader in numerous polls, Trump exemplifies the true colors of the GOP: xenophobic, mean-spirited and pro one-percent.

Despite how the other GOP presidential candidates or Republican leadership view him or distance themselves from his vitriolic language, Trump’s boorish behavior and disdain towards Latino immigrants represents the Republican party’s political platform.

While Republican leaders have acknowledged that it’s impossible or not feasible to deport over 11 million undocumented immigrants, they have rejected a pathway to citizenship for those who live and work in America’s shadows. In lieu of citizenship, key Republican leaders propose a form of legal status without the opportunity for citizenship. Essentially, Republican leaders argue for a legalized, second-class group available for exploitable cheap labor.

Mas…Trump represents the real GOP: Xenophobic, mean-spirited, pro top 1%

The REAL problem with Kelly Osbourne’s racist toilet-cleaner remark

kellyo“If you kick every Latino out of this country, then who is going to be cleaning your toilets, Donald Trump?”

Uh. Yikes. Yikes yikes yikes.

By now you’re probably familiar with our latest racist media frenzy centered on remarks Kelly Osbourne made on The View, a response to the incredibly racist Donald Trump.

But she sounded just as racist.

Mas…The REAL problem with Kelly Osbourne’s racist toilet-cleaner remark