dora the explorer
Trump calls Beto a fake Mexican, Chewbacca a fake alien
(PNS reporting from MAGA-LAGO) President Dotard Trump today blasted international movie star Chewbacca and Democratic presidential wannabe Beto O’Rourke as fakes.
She’s a ‘young adult’ now! ‘Dora and Friends: Into the City’
New Young Adult/YA Dora the Explorer on the Horizon: Dora and Friends: Into the City to Debut! What’s Next? Dora, the Sad College Years?
Never one to say no to a good thing, Nickelodeon has opted to cash-in on their Latina golden goose! The morning mail finds our old friend Dora the Explorer all grown up, ten years old, hangin’ with her posse in the City, and, get this, now she has eyebrows.
I am actually all for the saturation of the vidiot network with pint-sized facsimiles of smart, bilingual, Latina animated stars, so I will hold the snark and just point you to some coming attractions!
Mas…She’s a ‘young adult’ now! ‘Dora and Friends: Into the City’
Stars to record ‘You Are An ^%$#’ for Donald Sterling [photos,video]
(PNS reporting from HOLLYWOOD) Stars from television, music and sports are set to gather in the old A&M sound stages (now the Henson Studios) on La Brea Avenue here today to record a rebuke to Donald Sterling, racist owner of the Los Angeles Clippers.
Galvanized by community organizer Emiliano Zapata Shabazz-Jones, who wears the mantle of slain civil rights pioneer Ricky Martin Luther King, the assembled stars will record The Donald Sterling Song — You Are An ^%$#.
“This ain’t no National Honky League,” Shabazz-Jones wrote in a scorching email scheduling the superstar session, “and we ain’t dancing to no Sweet Georgia Brown on Maggie’s Farm no more!”
Mas…Stars to record ‘You Are An ^%$#’ for Donald Sterling [photos,video]
Screw Dora the Explorer and her pinche monkey too
I’ve got a problem with Dora the Explorer. I know you do too.
What the hell is the matter with television’s longest running bilingual toon whore?
This passive-aggressive little cow yells too much.
She asks a question, then waits silently for the answer while staring at you like a creep. I swear she can see me through the TV screen!
This unemployed bitch has been on air for almost 13 years now and she hasn’t figured out why her backpack is on acid and why her pet monkey stole her boots.
Ask the monkey, it fucking talks, dumbass!
Your childhood cartoon heroes — where are they now? (toons)
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So, a couple of weeks ago, there was this link going around that depicts certain 90s cartoon characters “taking on” New York fashion week in trendy outfits. Among them are Lisa Simpson and Daria. When I saw this, the first thing I thought was, Ugh. Lisa Simpson, proud feminist with so much to say about gender roles, body shaming and capitalism, drawn in this hyper-thin, rich girl way? Why, baby Jesus? Why? My friends had the same question, plus not-so-thrilled reactions to Daria. You know Daria, who once said, …”edgy” occurs when middle-brow, middle-aged profiteers are looking to suck the energy–not to mention spending money–out of the “youth culture”? Yep, that Daria is depicted in overpriced clothes, standing in front of a Mercedes dealership. Yuck.
Mas…Your childhood cartoon heroes — where are they now? (toons)
WTF? ‘Latina’ magazine picks 30 ‘most iconic’ Latinos on TV
Boy, these are fun times, huh? Everyone wants to either be Latino or market Latino things. Let’s all Hispanicize!
I mean, just look around! The GOP is embracing Latinos (har, har) and there are products everywhere like Tide Latino, Ford Latino, Clorox Latino, Latino socks, Latino water, Latino sunlight. Hell, there’s even a PETA Latino now! These Hispanic marketeers know no bounds!
Recently, named the “30 most iconic Latino TV characters of the past 60 years.”
My only problem with that is their elastic definition of “Latino.” Many of their icon choices are either stereotypes or just plain questionable. They could have named their article “We’re reaching here, so bear with us, and buy some Latino Tide!”
I’ll run down a few of the more questionable picks and let you decide who makes the cut. Are they iconic? Are they Latino? Are they iconic Latinos?? Gasp! You be the judge. And for the love of Latino Jesus, make sure you buy some corporate Latino products while you’re at it.
Mas…WTF? ‘Latina’ magazine picks 30 ‘most iconic’ Latinos on TV
Unsung Heroes of Hispanic Heritage Month: Trevor Pecklehamm III
They were ordinary people living ordinary lives, until one singular sensation of circumstances conspired with fate to make them UNSUNG HEROES OF HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH
Before the scandal surrounding his arrest for shoplifting and hoarding Hello Kitty backpacks ended his career, ace character creator and animator Trevor Pecklehamm III was Hollywood’s go-to guy if you needed help in perfecting your cartoon concept for the networks.
Mas…Unsung Heroes of Hispanic Heritage Month: Trevor Pecklehamm III
‘Dora the Explorer’ vs ‘Dora La Conquistadora’ (video shootout)
Well, really, you have to laugh at the trailer. But how does the Dora the Explorer film, starring Ariel Winter (Modern Family), stack up against Dora La Conquistadora?
Here’s La Conquistadora now:
Mas…‘Dora the Explorer’ vs ‘Dora La Conquistadora’ (video shootout)
Sheriff Joe arrests six-year-old girl suspected of leading cartel

(PNS reporting from SESAME STREET) On the same day that President Obama announced an immigration policy that will make it easier for young undocumented immigrants to remain in Los United Estates, Arizona’s numero uno douchebag, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, announced the arrest of a six-year-old girl suspected of leading the infamous Cártel de Elmo de Los Cookie Monster Ganga.
The Arizona Bugle reported that the girl was with 15 other cartel members who were traveling to the Midwest and northeast United States. Also arrested: Big Bird, Mr. Snuffleupagus, Prairie Dawn, Curly Bear, Bert, Grover and Guy Smiley. According to Chris Hegstrom, spokesman for the Sheriff’s Office, this is the “single biggest cartel bust” in Maricopa County history.
And even though the girl was old enough to get arrested, she was not old enough to have her name released, according to Hegstrom. “This is huge for us and for Joe – just huge. Arpaio is an expert when it comes to sleuthing dangerous things…like children and phony birth certificates.”
Mas…Sheriff Joe arrests six-year-old girl suspected of leading cartel
Ñewsweek: Tucson school board’s exercise in ignorance and hate

POCHO Migrant Editor Al Madrigal (he commutes coast-to-coast so he can work nights as Senior Latino Correspondent for The Daily Show) went to Tucson AZ to find out why students there aren’t allowed to take classes in Mexican-American history.
Cameras running, Al interviewed a school board official who was apparently high on ignorance, stupidity and hate.
These are the POCHO stories that broke the ñews this week:
Mas…Ñewsweek: Tucson school board’s exercise in ignorance and hate