Chiapas drought reveals 16th-century church (video)
It’s dry in Mexico, too, but it’s not all bad. Low waters in a Chipas reservoir have revealed a sunken treasure. Discovery.com reports:
Californian @AlMadrigal is all about the H20 on Jon Stewart (video)
POCHO’s Migrant Editor Al Madrigal – who lives in Los Angeles – had to make lifestyle changes because of the California water shortage. In New York, where there’s more than enough H20 to go around, Al can let it all hang out, as he explained to Jon Stewart on The Daily Show.
Mas…Californian @AlMadrigal is all about the H20 on Jon Stewart (video)
Breaking the Ñews: Massive immigration caused California drought
Screw your liberal “climate change” answer that’s really a code word so-called “progressives” use to steal from people who work for a living instead of sucking Obamacare’s socialist welfare titties.
Where has all of California’s water gone?
It’s the immigrants, stupid!
Victor David Hanson reports for the National Review:
Mas…Breaking the Ñews: Massive immigration caused California drought
Lalo Alcaraz + God: Did somebody say climate change? (toon)
Here’s a little context from the Book of Twitter:
Mas…Lalo Alcaraz + God: Did somebody say climate change? (toon)
Chipotle warns of climate-change-caused avocado shortage
If the Planet Earth continues to heat up, that’s bad news for avocados, the Chipotle Mexican Grill people warn. Bottom line? Your guac might be fuacked.
The fast food chain goes through 97,000 pounds of avocados every day, and they’re concerned.
From The Smithsonian Magazine:
Mas…Chipotle warns of climate-change-caused avocado shortage