Gustavo Aguilar and Juan Cabrera, Mexican day laborers alone in a Twilight Zone desert, are confronted by a screaming protest against illegal immigration. Ours is a world of mirage and illusion, they remind us, and you have to believe it to see it.
Stocks are crazy, banks are loco and so is Lil Joker (video)
A MAD-TV news crew is on the air live from an East Los bank branch. Live TV news can be so unpredictable.
New GOP plan: Blame Obama for ‘over-working’ America
(PNS reporting from WASHINGTON) GOP strategists — concerned the declining jobless rate hurts their chances of winning the White House — are now attacking the Obama Administration for causing rampant over-employment.
“Obama’s policies are creating more and more jobs. Haven’t Americans suffered enough these last three years? Jobs are the last things they want,” Republican pollster Charlie “Chuck” Charles told a morning meeting of the Contradict Reality and Progress Political Action Committee (CRaP PAC.)
Pochophotographic Exclusive: Occupy Rose Parade 2012
After the regular Pasadena Rose Parade, the Occupy Rose Parade people were kind enough to march right in front of my phonecam, leaving me little choice but to take their pictures.
After all, we are the 99%!
Music by Alice Texas Marching Band.