New on Entrepodcast: WePupy – AirBnB for bathroom sharing (audio)

harrygrayIn this week’s Episode #74 of Entrepod, the podcast for wannabe entrepreneurs, host Adam Buckholtz (photo) speaks with Bay Area entrepreneur Genesee Flashpan.

She’s flushed with pride about WePupy — a new app that wipes “the sharing economy” and sanitizes it for your protection.

When you have to go, you have to go, and WePupy makes it easy to leave your cares behind at carefully curated facilities near you.

Mas…New on Entrepodcast: WePupy – AirBnB for bathroom sharing (audio)

Old School/New School/Antiguo Paradigma/Nuevo Paradigma (toon)

nuevo_paradigmafOut with the old paradigms, in with the new. Argentina’s (EntrepreneursNews) explains:

Un nuevo paradigma es el comienzo de un nuevo camino, una nueva forma de hacer las cosas. Generalmente un nuevo paradigma no va a hacer inmediatamente más eficientes todos los procesos al 100%, pero si mejor el modelo que está remplazando.

It is not our responsibility to finish the work of perfecting the world, but we are not free to desist from it either. [Click on the image to enlarge.]

Mas…Old School/New School/Antiguo Paradigma/Nuevo Paradigma (toon)

Bain Capital’s Mal*Mart gives back to local communities (video)

This short educational video from Mal★Mart (a Bain Capital subsidiary) explains how the retail chain is a good neighbor, supporting local communities and creating jobs all across America — with a smile. The case study features Latina entrepreneur Maria Muñoz of Maria’s Flan.

When the going gets loco, locos turn pro: ‘Roberto’s Dreams’ (video)

Roberto’s Dreams comes straight from today’s headlines. Roberto has been laid off, Angelica cleans houses to make ends meet and 10-year-old daughter Brittany struggles to reconcile her Latino roots and her American education. Roberto opts for the American Dream of being his own jefe and decides to start his own business: The first Latino green cleaning business in North Carolina.