Mas…La Cucaracha: What if your heroes don’t understand the assignment?
Ethics or morals keeping you up at night? Sleep easy with new DISSONEX
Do your ethics clash with your ambitions? Try new DISSONEX™️ so you can sleep at night.
Ethical issues? Ask your doctor if MORALAX® is right for you (video)
Are you having issues with ethical problems at work? Trouble reconciling a decent and moral life with actual reality? Stuck in world where your conscience and scruples are keeping you down? Ask your doctor if MORALAX® is right for you.
MORALAX® is brought to you by the makers of COCKBLOK® — Stop those ignorant cat-calls now! (video).
Old School/New School/Antiguo Paradigma/Nuevo Paradigma (toon)
Out with the old paradigms, in with the new. Argentina’s (EntrepreneursNews) explains:
Un nuevo paradigma es el comienzo de un nuevo camino, una nueva forma de hacer las cosas. Generalmente un nuevo paradigma no va a hacer inmediatamente más eficientes todos los procesos al 100%, pero si mejor el modelo que está remplazando.
It is not our responsibility to finish the work of perfecting the world, but we are not free to desist from it either. [Click on the image to enlarge.]
Mas…Old School/New School/Antiguo Paradigma/Nuevo Paradigma (toon)
Sometimes the hardest choice is ‘The Second Choice’ (video)
In Los Angeles, an immigrant single mom tries to teach her son to do the right thing, but talk is cheap when the rent is due tomorrow and your only income is as an unlicensed street vendor. What would you do when it all came down to The Second Choice?
Short film by Alberto Belli. Spanglish with English subtitles.
Ferengi-Americans endorse Romney: ‘We totally admire his greed’
(PNS reporting from SALT LAKE CITY) Gov. Mitt Romney‘s Presidential campaign, which has little support outside its base of old, ignorant white people, picked up a key “ethnic” endorsement late Sunday as the Ferengi-American Political Action Committee (FAPAC) backed his White House bid.
“Frankly,” FAPAC Grand Nagus Ishka told a hastily-called press conference here, “he had us at ‘corporations are people, my friend’ but when we started matching up his beliefs with the Rules of Acquisition we knew he was our guy! We totally admire his greed.”
FAPAC released a photograph (above) of the group after a meeting with the candidate at the majestic Mormon Temple here and passed out a chart showing their similar philosophies:
Mas…Ferengi-Americans endorse Romney: ‘We totally admire his greed’