What would Frida Kahlo grow? Exhibit shares her plants (video, photos)
Just opened at the New York Botanical Garden, this exhibition examines Frida Kahlo’s love for nature, as seen in her home and garden, as well as the complex use of plant imagery in her artwork.
Mas…What would Frida Kahlo grow? Exhibit shares her plants (video, photos)
Diego Rivera’s Wife Frida Kahlo ‘Gleefully Dabbles’ in Works of Art
In the early 1930s, Frida Kahlo joined her (at the time) much more famous husband Diego Rivera in Detroit, Michigan, where he was prepping murals. The Detroit News caught up with the couple and the resulting feature story is in a new exhibit at the Detroit Institute of Art.
“Senora Diego Rivera,” as she’s called in the article, didn’t let Diego hog the limelight, even though she was dressed in a “foolish little ruffled apron.”
“Of course he [Diego] does pretty well for a little boy,” she told reporter Florence Davies, “but it is I who am the big artist.”
Mas…Diego Rivera’s Wife Frida Kahlo ‘Gleefully Dabbles’ in Works of Art
Pocho Ocho secret items from Frida Kahlo’s closet *not* on display
While visitors to the Casa Azul Museo Frida Kahlo in Mexico City think they’re viewing a definitive selection of items from Kahlo’s closet that have been hidden for 58 years, POCHO has learned that curators, sensitive to the artist’s legend, have held back some items from public display.
Here are the top eight items you won’t see:
8. Lifetime membership card, Hoop Earrings of the Month Club
7. Photoshop 0.1 beta test DVD
6. Leon Trotsky’s private cellphone number
Mas…Pocho Ocho secret items from Frida Kahlo’s closet *not* on display