High fashion lets you look like a cholo – if you have the dinero
Thanks to Professor Eliza Rodriguez Y Gibson who pointed my now-scalded eyes, my scarred Mexican-American soul, to this fantabulous atrocity!
Haute couture non-mexican “cholos”!!!! Holy Baudrillard meets Eddie J. Olmos’s Pachuco — who would be rolling over in his grave if he weren’t still thriving in Hollywood!
Mas…High fashion lets you look like a cholo – if you have the dinero
Hey, Trump! Come down to my barrio and say that again
On the first day of class, I always inform my university students that I hold two PhDs — one from a premier research institution, UC Berkeley, and the other from one of the toughest neighborhoods in the country, East Los Angeles’ Ramona Gardens housing project or Big Hazard projects (named after the notorious gang).
While I’ve relied on my research and analytic skills to criticize Donald Trump, as the Republican presidential nominee, I’ve also depended on my street smarts to deconstruct his extremist politics and erratic behavior. While political foes, pundits, cable news anchors and journalists are bewildered by Trump, I grew up with his type: Wannabe tough guy, bully and hustler. To deal with Trump, we must view him through these typologies, among others, such as xenophobe, racist, money-grubber and liar.
Recent UFO/OVNI videos put (alien hotspot?) Colombia on edge
Recent eyewitness reports, still photos and videos of UFO/OVNIs over Colombia have some observers wondering if this South American country is a top space alien tourist destination while other, more skeptical, observers cry “shenanigans!”
The media has picked up on a few alleged UFO videos from Colombia, prompting some to ask whether it is a new UFO hotspot. Many of the facts regarding the videos have been misreported by UFO websites, causing confusion and dubious conclusions on their part. Furthermore, some researchers think the objects in the videos are likely very terrestrial in origin.
Mas…Recent UFO/OVNI videos put (alien hotspot?) Colombia on edge
Been indicted and it feels so good: The Governor Rick Perry Story
When news broke Friday that GOP presidential nominee wannabe Texas Governor Rick Perry (photo) was indicted on two counts of abuse of power, we were pissed off because we were in the middle of a conference call and didn’t that grand jury know our meeting schedule and publishing deadlines?
We realized later, however, that we had a treasure trove of Perry-ana that could be given fresh life on the Interwebs with a cool big-ass image of Perry, a clever headline and lots of SEO-friendly keywords.
Mas…Been indicted and it feels so good: The Governor Rick Perry Story
45 years ago, the USA fake-landed on the Moon (video)
The United States faked a Moon landing 45 years ago today. FUSION Space Cadet Elise Roedenbeck reports. [Roedenbeck patrols several quadrants of the Twitterverse on the Federation Star Cruiser Buttronica.)
Pocho Ocho items every pocha should carry in her purse

8. Aqua Net: Yeah, for hair, stupid. But I also use this for multiple things like bug spray, deodorant, and even as a substitute for glue.
7. Mazapan: Marzipan is a yummy almond-flavored treat and mazapan is a similar treat made with peanuts. Instead of eating like a horse on your date, pop one of these in your mouth to hold you, you don’t want to look like my homegirl La Piggy.
6. Morning After Pill: I know you have probably taken this within the last two months but it’s quite all right, I am a ho, too. Always be prepared, Junior does not need a little brother.