[Payton Hoegh toons regularly at Weekly Political dot com.]
RNC’s Tampa: One of the top three U.S. cities for strip clubs (audio)
Tampa, writer Michael Connelly tells To the Point’s Warren Olney, has more steak houses, churches and strip clubs per capita than any other city in America. It’s also a Top Three Destination in the strippers’ circuit Golden Triangle of Los Angeles, Tampa and New York.
- RELATED: Tampa’s gay hookers are very psyched about the Republican National Convention in their town (NSFW video).
(KCRW H/T LAObserved.com)
Ñewsweek: New Mexico wants tourists — light-skinned tourists
This POCHO ñewsweek is brought to you in living — and dying — color.
In the Southwest, New Mexico’s tourist board is casting a commercial to promote visits to the state. Who do they want to play the tourists in their commercial? “Caucasians and light-skinned Hispanics.”
And in the Southeast, Florida cowers in the Spotlight o’ Shame as the country asks why an unarmed teenager was killed by a self-styled neighborhood watch vigilante.
These are the stories that made the ñews this week:
Mas…Ñewsweek: New Mexico wants tourists — light-skinned tourists