Dear President Donald Trump: Confessions of an Anchor Baby

cucaanchorbabyhistoryJanuary 20, 2017

Dear President Donald Trump:

Now that you’ve become our new emperor, I mean, the 45th President of the United States, I have a confession: I’m an “anchor baby.” Given that you represent the best white hope to “Make America Great Again!” I’m confessing in exchange to be pardoned for my birthright citizenship crime.

Honestly, I didn’t know that being born to Mexican immigrants on work visas violated the law or that pesky little thing called the 14th Amendment of the Constitution. If I would’ve known of your novel interpretation of our Constitution, I mean your Constitution, I would’ve pleaded in my mother’s womb to be aborted.

Oh, I forgot, Republicans don’t believe in abortions. Does the GOP make exceptions for brown fetuses?

Mas…Dear President Donald Trump: Confessions of an Anchor Baby

Brand-new American citizen has a message for Donald Trump (photos)

houstonjudgeConcepcion M., a Texas entrepreneur, became an American citizen Wednesday at a Houston naturalization ceremony, when Federal District Judge Lynn Hughes led 2500 immigrants from around the world in the Naturalization Oath of Allegiance to the United States of America.

The mother of 9-year-old citizen Carlos Arturo M., Concepcion M. has already made up her mind about the upcoming Presidential election. 🙂

Mas…Brand-new American citizen has a message for Donald Trump (photos)

Latina Heritage Month Patriot Alert: Obama’s Iran Deal Disrespects You

feypalinYou don’t lift sanctions.

You crack down on their assets.

You cut off their oil and drill, baby, drill for our own.

We don’t retreat. We reload against any foe daring to test us.

And that is what Iran just did.

So, Congress, you got to kill the deal. The president is playing you. He so disrespects you, Congress, and our Constitution, that he won’t even bring you the treaty.

Mas…Latina Heritage Month Patriot Alert: Obama’s Iran Deal Disrespects You

Montebello lines up to beat Donald Trump piñatas (video)

powertrumpTacos Don Chente in Montebello, CA was juan cool place to hang out Wednesday as Power 106’s morning show host J Cruz raised hell at a Donald Trump piñata-bashing party. And free tacos.

Mexican Independence Celebrations often are more fiesta than political bashes in the United Estates, but this year is different. Cruz and his crew set up a terrific fiesta. Now if we can only get La Raza to vote with their ballots, and not just with their colorful frilly piñata sticks…

Mas…Montebello lines up to beat Donald Trump piñatas (video)