Guadalajara kids dance with swastikas. No prob, OK? (video)

nazisWhat exactly is going on here? Sure, the swastika is/was an ancient symbol of good luck that has been tarnished by the slaughter of untold millions, but wassup with the Nazi-rally-sounding soundtrack? And the flags? And the stormtrooper choreography? The uploader says this video is from May 31 in Guadalajara, Mexico. It doesn’t seem very indigenous folkloristic to us. It’s more like Springtime for Hitler in Mexico.

Mas…Guadalajara kids dance with swastikas. No prob, OK? (video)

Video Hall of Montezuma: Esteban Colberto’s Greatest Latino Hits

colberthispanicHe’s gone from the Report, but Esteban Colberto will always be in our hearts, and online, as long as these video links stay alive.

Check ’em out:

I killed that African-American kid in self defense (1876 toon)

This editorial cartoon, In Self-Defense, by cartoonist A. B. Frost, ran in Harper’s Weekly on October 28, 1876, on page 880.

The HarpWeek blog explains:

This image dramatically condemns the brutal racism of some white Southerners against blacks. The white man has killed a black child, and his plea of “self-defense” exemplifies the perspective among Southern whites that Reconstruction had led to “black rule.” The cartoon appeared just a few weeks before the presidential election.

Let me tell you all the reasons I really, really hate Christmas

I’m so sick of Christmas and December isn’t even a week old!

Every year it’s the same crap over and over again. I mean, I wasn’t even finished pretending not to eat Halloween candy before people started playing that Christmas music — don’t even get me started on the music! It’s like, let’s take a has-been artist and have them pump out some horrible tripe and force everyone to remember why they became irrelevant in the first place, all the while pretending like we’re enjoying the tunes.

You know, all those songs were written during a time when my grandparents weren’t even allowed to go into certain restaurants. “No Mexicans, No Dogs” is what the door signs used to say. “White Christmas” indeed!

Mas…Let me tell you all the reasons I really, really hate Christmas

Ask A Mexican: Why do Salvadorans and Mexicans hate so much? (video)

gussalvadorGustavo ¡Ask A Mexican! Arellano steps back into the video limelight to ponder the question: Why do Mexicans (and Mexican-Americans) and Salvadorans (and Salvadoran-Americans) hate each other so much? Is it because Salvadoran horchata is better than Mexican horchata? And the fact that pupusas kick gorditas’ culinary nalgas? Or are they just following an age-old American tradition of hatin’ on the newbies that goes back at least to Benjamin Franklin?

Mas…Ask A Mexican: Why do Salvadorans and Mexicans hate so much? (video)

Meet the American Nazis who protect our US-Mexico border (video)

bordernazisThese Nazis wear swastikas and call themselves National Socialists, sure, but they’re not really socialists. They’re more nationalists, really, supporting the White Nation. All they want to do is to save America from the loser and quitter immigrants who gave up on their home countries to invade the U.S. of A. After all, integration was forced on the White Man at the point of a bayonet. White people get racially profiled too, you know.

Mas…Meet the American Nazis who protect our US-Mexico border (video)

In the name of Jesus! This Mexican kid is harassing me! (video)

Too much caffeine? A “Christian” lady in an Oklahoma coffee shop has hella angry feels. “In the name of Jesus!” she exclaims. “This Mexican kid is harassing me!” We’re confused. Do you think his name might be Jesús? The video is from 2011, but crazy H8RZ are forever.

Alaskans praise candidate who will save us from illegals with tats

joemillerracistmailer (PNS reporting from ANCHORAGE, AK) Some they call him Joe, some they call him Doh! but one group of Alaska voters is 100% behind Joe Miller, the Tea Party-affiliated candidate who is seeking a United States Senate nomination.

“His campaign mailer (click on photo to enlarge) convinced us that Miller will do a great job keeping the thriving Latino community of Alaska in check,” read a press release issued Thursday by Cecilia Jones, the president of National Organization for Minorities, Advertisements, Media Exposure and Symbolism. “And that especially goes for your drug-dealing border-crossing tat-wearing illegal alien Democrat voters!”

Mas…Alaskans praise candidate who will save us from illegals with tats