Kap G’s question for the President: What’s a day without a Mexican?
Atlanta’s Kap G — born George Ramirez — has a question for the president:
Mas…Kap G’s question for the President: What’s a day without a Mexican?
What’s in the ‘fake news’ today at SARAPE’s GRILL? (toon)
POCHO amigo Arnie Bermudez’ new cartoon series follows events at your favorite local taqueria, SARAPE’s GRILL.
Let’s take a look ….
Mas…What’s in the ‘fake news’ today at SARAPE’s GRILL? (toon)
White lady does not like brown family’s birthday party (video)
Gracie Pinzón de Hernández writes on Facebook:
I thought I would share this with you guys… this woman almost got away with robbing us from the joy of celebrating 4 years of life for our little one. We planned and saved to give him the kind of party we never had. My husband and I thought we would never be parents so birthdays are a big deal. I almost didn’t post this but decided that I needed to.
Mas…White lady does not like brown family’s birthday party (video)
About those all-gender restrooms at SARAPE’s GRILL (toon)
POCHO amigo Arnie Bermudez’ new cartoon series follows events at your favorite local taqueria, SARAPE’s GRILL.
Let’s take a look ….
Mas…About those all-gender restrooms at SARAPE’s GRILL (toon)
Hey, USA! It’s time to change your ‘Dirty Diaper’ (video, lyrics)
POCHO amigo Eric Holland thinks something smells funny in the United Estates. (Eric is a new dad which may account for the diaper analogy.)
Mira los lyrics:
Mas…Hey, USA! It’s time to change your ‘Dirty Diaper’ (video, lyrics)