Ex-Mex Prez Vicente Fox disses Trump on Bill Maher (NSFW video)
Former Mexican presidente Vicente Fox, no angel himself, tells Bill Maher that he speaks for 120 million Mexicans who Trump insulted. And he doesn’t mince words. [NSFW video.]
They painted the border wall the color of the sky (video)
The border wall between Tijuana and San Diego slashes the beach and dives into the Pacific, unnaturally separating thousands of friends and families. But one woman saw things differently; Mexican-American artist Ana Teresa Fernandez recruited an artistic army to paint the fence away.
It CAN happen here: 20,000 Nazis rally at Madison Square Garden (video)
There’s a former American Nazi Party official running on the GOP ticket for United States Congress in Illinois. Trump defended the Nazis who marched and murdered in Charlottesville. His administration demonizes and criminalizes the lives of people of color, non-Christians, LGBT citizens, and immigrants.
And in 1939, 20,000 Americans rallied in Madison Square Garden to support the Nazis. It can’t happen here? IT ALREADY HAS.
Stereotyped Mexican bandido says ‘Prepare to die, amigo’ (toon)
Sometimes you think your job is done — after all, having written a book that attempted to chronicle the history of “Mexicans” in American popular culture, you think you’d get a break.
But, of course, that’s naive.
If anything, in the age of our Dumpster Fire POTUS, Mexican stereotypes are the rage! This MAMMOTH WESTERN “Mexican” is Exhibit #1 — if you ever wonder why you can’t turn on the TV (or your streaming, throbbing thingie in your pocket, your phone!) without seeing a narco, well, meet his grandpappy, the inspiration for Trump’s BAD HOMBRE racist,xenophobic slur.
You can buy this 1949 comic for under $100!
- Professor William “Memo” Nericcio is a regular contributor to POCHO and an all-around swell guy, or so we’ve heard.
(NPR Audio) Racism can literally make you sick, studies show
He had just left a fancy restaurant, celebrating a big achievement, a Ph. D. degree, when he encountered racism, racism that can hurt your health.
Mas…(NPR Audio) Racism can literally make you sick, studies show
Eric Holland: It’s time for ‘Amnistia’ again (music video)
Eric Holland, a former Arizona ESL teacher who moved to Mexico, writes and sings amazing songs about the border. His Amnistia, which we first featured four years ago, paints a picture we’d all like to see! [Video by Danny Worms.]
Mas…Eric Holland: It’s time for ‘Amnistia’ again (music video)
Pocho Ocho worst new names for Hispanic Heritage Month
The pinche Trump administration is stuck with the annual observance of National “Hispanic” Heritage Month 2017, which begins today, but that doesn’t mean they like it. The POCHO news team has learned that the white wing traitors, crooks, and colluders at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue ran through a list of alternative names for the observance before being shot down by the only Latina Trump knows — Lisa A Malinche, a low-level staffer.
Here are the Pocho Ocho worst new names for Hispanic Heritage Month:
Young Latina in Virginia fed up with post-Trump racism (video)
White Americans feel free to be racist, now that Trump is president, she says. The video description on LiveLeak says this girl is in Virginia and it sure looks like the East Coast, but we’re not sure. The rest of the video? Looks and sounds legit. What do you think? [Possibly NSFW in Español.]
Whatever you do, don’t read the comments on LiveLeak.
Modern Xmas Carol: ‘I’m Dreaming of a White Privilege’ (video)
I’m dreaming of a white privilege, just like the one y’all seem to know.
Dear Trump Voter Ashley: We are real people, not your ‘Taco Tuesday’
I don’t really know you very well. I met you for the first time when my family and I travelled to Rogers, Arkansas to see you marry my nephew. I knew my nephew at some point. I saw him grow up here in Los Angeles until my brother and his wife thought the streets of Woodland Hills too gang-infested and uprooted their entire family to the enclaves of my sister-in-law’s home state.
Shortly after, sometime in the 1990s, my mother and I travelled to Arkansas on an Amtrak train for two days (don’t ask – I still haven’t forgiven my mother for refusing to fly) to visit and see our family’s new dwellings.
You weren’t in the picture yet – your husband was still a teenager. Despite the torturous train ride, we relished the opportunity to spend time with my brother and his family. We were even excited to see a new part of the country.
Mas…Dear Trump Voter Ashley: We are real people, not your ‘Taco Tuesday’
FTP Local #207 taps ‘Mainstream Media’ for 2016 Golden Dookie Award
(PNS reporting from BEVERLY HILLS) Local #207 of the Federation of Turd Polishers (FTP) has chosen “The Mainstream Media” as the recipient of their 2016 Golden Dookie Award, PNS has learned.
The union will cite the news media’s whitewashing of Donald Trump’s hate, xenophobia, racial prejudice, misogyny, lies, bullying, sexual assault, fraud, and foreign entanglements as “the new normal.”
“They polished the shit right off of that turd,” one FTP official told PNS.
Mas…FTP Local #207 taps ‘Mainstream Media’ for 2016 Golden Dookie Award
Moby’s existential angst: Are you lost in the world like me? (video)
Animator Steve Cutts rocks the Max Fleischer-inspired 1930s-looking visuals as Moby & The Void Pacific Choir sing a song of existential angst, Are you lost in the world like me? Can you relate?
Weather forecast for President Trump’s Inauguration Day (video)
Oh, the weather outside will be frightful — on President Donald Trump’s Inauguration Day. [Video by Save The Day.]
Hateline, Las Vegas: This is your country on Trump (Fox 5 News video)
In Henderson, Nevada, an angry Anglo Trump supporter was caught on video last week cursing at Latino construction workers, calling them “illegals,” “wetbacks” and worse. Fox 5 Las Vegas reporter Miguel Martinez-Valle went to find out why the pinche potty-mouthed gringo pendejo was so angry.
CALL FOR COMMENTS: Have any of you pochos been subject to similar harassment lately?
Tell us below!
DEPLORABLES! Gay Latino at a right wing press conference (video)
Look! It’s crooked Hillary libtard propaganda from a sinner. Shameless!
Or, as Media Matters, who made this video explains:
Mas…DEPLORABLES! Gay Latino at a right wing press conference (video)