We Are One: Preschoolers know more than Trump voters
In the lobby of the school where I work, there is a huge image of Earth taped onto the wall. It is made of kraft paper and crisscrossed with colorful broad strokes of tempera paint.
Circling the perimeter of the planet are cutout drawings of children holding hands. No two children are the same, partly because of the way the preschoolers scribbled and colored them in.
Above the planet are the words “WE ARE ONE.”
Renee Goust live music video: ‘La Cumbia Feminazi’
Brooklyn-based Mexican singer-songwriter Renee Goust wrote La Cumbia Feminazi in response to online abuse suffered by women.
“I’ve considered myself a feminist ever since I learned the actual meaning of the word,” she says:
You can’t deport me! I’m Scotch-Irish, like President Obama! (toon)
Herr Trump can’t deport me! I’m of Scotch-Irish descent, just like President Obama. Here is my official CLAN POCHO tartan if you don’t believe me.
Trumpanzee: He’ll sell you snake oil and rip off your face (toon)
You can see more like this (and buy prints) at ArtofMarkBryan.com
Mas…Trumpanzee: He’ll sell you snake oil and rip off your face (toon)
Harold Melvin & the Blue Notes: ‘Wake Up, Everybody’ on ‘Soul Train’
Teddy Prendergrass takes the lead vocal as Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes sing their 1975 smash hit Wake Up, Everybody on Soul Train. If there was ever a time to get woke, that time is now.
Here’s the full-length LP track with lyrics:
Mas…Harold Melvin & the Blue Notes: ‘Wake Up, Everybody’ on ‘Soul Train’
NEW! Ask your doctor if Islamophobin® is right for you (video)
Are you sacred AF about those new (apparently Muslim) neighbors? Do you think they might be terrorists? Ask your doctor if Islamophobin® is right for you!
Mas…NEW! Ask your doctor if Islamophobin® is right for you (video)
Let’s get one thing straight: No human being is ‘illegal’
“Could the president grant deferred removal to every unlawfully present alien in the United States right now?”
That’s how Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts referred to individuals lacking the proper documents to be in the country during a recent hearing on DAPA (Deferred Action for parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents).
“Alien” is the legal term to describe these individuals, but Justice Sonia Sotomayor also referred to them as “undocumented immigrants.” She objected to the phrase “illegal immigrants”, which she considers too harsh. Justice Sonia Sotomayor even explained that “illegal immigrants” associates them with “drug addicts, thieves, and murderers.”
Mas…Let’s get one thing straight: No human being is ‘illegal’
Video trailer for ‘Desierto’ now includes Donald Trump quotes
Desierto — a gripping action-adventure film inspired by events on the US-Mexican border — opens in two weeks. The original English trailer (above) has now been supplemented with a trailer that includes remarks by Donald Trump:
Mas…Video trailer for ‘Desierto’ now includes Donald Trump quotes
‘Meet an (orange is the new black) Immigrant’ (video)
Thought experiment? Guerrilla theater? A prank?
When Sergio Mieja (he’s @SMieja95 on the Twitter) got the idea for this video, he didn’t know exactly what the message was. He just wanted to see who supported Donald Trump.
“But as I was filming it,” he explains, “many of the people I met expressed their feeling and emotions towards this subject and it was then I knew what the purpose of this video was and realized it had a much more significant meaning. Please share this message with your friends and family.”
Ordinary Americans explain why they back Donald Trump (SNL video)
Meet some ordinary Americans who want to tell you why they back Donald Trump’s quest for the GOP presidential nomination.