Pocho Ocho Best Ways to #MakeMoviesMexican (via Twitter)

cornVery late Wednesday night, I created a Twitter hashtag — #MakeMoviesMexican — and asked the Tuiteros if they had suggestions.

Huh? What do you mean? Like this:

#MAKEMOVIESMEXICAN. Gone With the Migra. White Men Can’t Cumbia. Get the idea?

(It turns out I wasn’t the first with this idea. Superstar pocho comic Felipe Esparza tried this concept in February.)

Here are the Pocho Ocho NEW Top Tweets we got in return (racist, ignorant Tweets not included — the entire thread is below.):

8. Mex In The City

7. Dude, Juarez My Car?

6. Finding Chapo

Mas…Pocho Ocho Best Ways to #MakeMoviesMexican (via Twitter)

Meet the American Nazis who protect our US-Mexico border (video)

bordernazisThese Nazis wear swastikas and call themselves National Socialists, sure, but they’re not really socialists. They’re more nationalists, really, supporting the White Nation. All they want to do is to save America from the loser and quitter immigrants who gave up on their home countries to invade the U.S. of A. After all, integration was forced on the White Man at the point of a bayonet. White people get racially profiled too, you know.

Mas…Meet the American Nazis who protect our US-Mexico border (video)

Haters Gonna Hate: Big map of racist/hateful Tweets (infographic)

masterhapemapThe infographic map-heads at FloatingSheep.org analyzed geo-tagged Tweets from one week in November last year to generate a hate map of the U.S.

Surprise, surprise — the Old Confederacy had the most haters when slurs about Latinos (Tweets using the word “wetback” and “spick”), African-Americans (“nigger”), Asians (“chink,” “gook”) were tallied (pan-racist map, above.) [Click maps to enlarge.]

Here’s the breakdown of “wetback” Tweets:

Mas…Haters Gonna Hate: Big map of racist/hateful Tweets (infographic)