Mountain bike downhill insanity in Taxco, Mexico (video)

Slovak champion mountain biker Filip Polc strapped a GoPro camera on his helmet and recorded this insane downhill competition run earlier this month in Taxco, Mexico. Although he only came in second (!) this first-person point-of-view video will thrill you, give you vertigo or leave you shaking your head and asking, “Huh?” Polc won the Taxco competition last year. [VOLUME WARNING: LOTS OF ROAD NOISE.]


Mas…Mountain bike downhill insanity in Taxco, Mexico (video)

Crazy biker describes, records scary trip through São Paulo (video)

It’s tough to watch this 15-minute epic ride though São Paulo, Brazil without yelling at the crazy biker — the head-mounted camera footage makes us wonder how long this guy will stay alive! The LiveLeak text seems to indicate he is a courier/messenger delivery person of some sort. Who knows Portugese and can translate his play-by-play narration?