‘Highland Park’: Binge-watch all the episodes right here! (NSFW videos)

Have you been watching Highland Park on the YouTube? We’ve got all the episodes right here for your binge-watching convenience. You can start with this trailer (above), or dive right in (below). [NSFW. Adult situations, language.]

In Episode 1, Los Angeles locals Juanita and Diego had a holy vision in Highland Park. Who knew Tonantzin, Aztec mother goddess, had a cousin named Concepción?

Mas…‘Highland Park’: Binge-watch all the episodes right here! (NSFW videos)

New L.A. restaurant promises taco delivery by drone (video)

TacoFix, a new family Mexican restaurant that opened just yesterday (Wednesday) in L.A.’s Highland Park neighborhood, promises they’ll soon be delivering tacos by drone. Watch this proof-of-concept video where a drone makes a delivery to a customer — a hungry guy who just happens to live at 420 Someplace Street. God Bless America.


Mas…New L.A. restaurant promises taco delivery by drone (video)