Hopeful candidates begin election year Hispandering (audio)
As the election cycle heats up, hopeful candidates try to gain Hispanic/Latino support, but we won’t get fooled again.
POCHO Jefe-in-Chief Lalo Alcaraz and POCHO Associate Naranjero Gustavo ¡Ask a Mexican! Arellano spill the Hispandering beans on Maria Hinojosa’s Latino USA.
Mas…Hopeful candidates begin election year Hispandering (audio)
The Daily Show: Can Trump change his image with Latinos?
On the new Daily Show, new Senior Latina Contributor Eliza Cossio explains to Trevor Noah how Donald Trump can change his image with Latinos.
Out of the night when the full moon is bright: La Llorona (video)
La Llorona? It’s just a legend, mijo, a ghost story told by a traveling puppet show. Still, if you think you hear a weeping woman in the night, don’t come running. [Video by Matthew James Tebbutt.]
Mas…Out of the night when the full moon is bright: La Llorona (video)
Can you spot the Latino in this photograph?
I’m pretty sure I was the only redhead at the NYU Latino Law Students Association Gala in the spring of 1990. The food was delicious, my date looked stunning, and I was glad I had jumped on the opportunity when I received the LALSA invitation.
My journey to that moment began 25 years earlier. I was born in Santiago, Chile in 1965: a third generation Chilean on my father’s side (whose people came from Odessa), and first generation on my mother’s side, who arrived when she was 12 from Hungary.
We left Chile in 1970 after the election of socialist president Salvador Allende. For Mom, socialism was close enough to the Soviet regime she’d fled in Hungary.
I started kindergarten at P.S. 81 in the Bronx. With a curly mop of flaming red hair and speaking only Spanish, I immediately embarked on a lifelong career of not fitting in. I learned English fast, but I still felt like an outsider. I got into X-Men comics because I identified with the mutants.
Happy Inko! It’s National Cartoonists Day AND Cinco de Mayo
Yes, today is the day where we celebrate cartoonists, as it is National Cartoonists Day.
Serio, the National Cartoonists Society started this event a few years ago, apparently because they had no Latino members at the time who might have mentioned May 5 is already Cinco de Mayo, but, hey, I’m glad they ran with it!
Mas…Happy Inko! It’s National Cartoonists Day AND Cinco de Mayo
Who knew? More than 200,000 U.S. Latinos are Jewish
In the first study of its kind, the American Jewish Committee has taken a comprehensive look at the Americans who claim both a Latino and Jewish identity – all 200,000 of them.
Religion News Service reports:
As a group, Jewish Latinos don’t get much attention — either from Jews or Latinos in the U.S.
ZUBI to the rescue if you hate Mexicans and that taco emoji (video)
Advertising agency ZUBI (in Florida, of course) steps up for the minority of “Latinos” and “Hispanics” who aren’t Mexican — and people who hate tacos. Because “Latino emotions,” tu sabes, are different and require special emoji.
Mas…ZUBI to the rescue if you hate Mexicans and that taco emoji (video)
Dear Donald: Here’s my audition tape for your Internet video
Remember how Donald Trump or somebody like him put out a casting call for a Latina to play the Donald’s executive assistant in an internet video?
SoCal actor Diana Burbano sent in this audition tape.
Casting Call: Latina actress to play Donald Trump’s assistant (photo)
Are you an attractive and passionate Latina actress, 21-35, with perfect English and a slight Hispanic accent who wants to deliver scripted monologues talking straight to the camera about your experiences working as an executive assistant for Donald Trump for an Internet video of some sort?
Don’t apply if you’re in the Screen Actors Guild, or want to get paid. You’ll get a copy, your name will be in the credits and you can be a star on social media. Bring your own lube.
Here’s the original casting notice email, via Los Angeles actor Siri Corretjer on Facebook:
Mas…Casting Call: Latina actress to play Donald Trump’s assistant (photo)
Que lastima! The GOP’s Latino candidates are anti-Latino
Growing up on the mean streets of East Los Angeles, I, like many of my childhood friends, feared the police more than the local gang, Big Hazard. Specifically, we dreaded Latino police officers, since they had a reputation of being more brutal than their white peers with us — poor Chicano kids from the projects.
By verbally and physically harassing us, the Latino officers reinforced their 100 percent loyalty to their white peers and police department. Similarly, just like in my old barrio, in the Republican presidential-nomination battle, we can clearly see how the two Latino candidates, Sens. Marco Rubio (Florida) and Ted Cruz (Texas), go the extra mile to demonstrate their loyalty to their white peers and mostly white electorate with their anti-Latino immigrant agenda.
Mas…Que lastima! The GOP’s Latino candidates are anti-Latino
What Being Hispanic Means to Me: A Short Story (video)
Live from her bedroom, California-native high school senior Allison Reyes explains the heartaches and joys of Being Hispanic. SPOILER: If she had to do it all over again, she wouldn’t change a thing.
A funny thing happened on the way to ‘Bordertown’
Hola. I’m Lalo Alcaraz. You might know me.
I have been a Chicano political cartoonist forever. I know, I know, it’s God’s work, you’re welcome. Now, all of a sudden I’m a primetime TV writer and producer. Huh? Yes, the last two years in my life have been a super WTF. With ten percent LOL. #facepalm
Like it or not, I am now part of a historic pop culture moment: the first season of the first animated primetime TV show featuring a large cast of Mexican and Mexican-American characters: Bordertown.
Hillary: I’m like your abuela! Twitter: #NoMames #NotMyAbuela
Hillary Clinton’s campaign shared the “7 Ways Hillary Clinton Is Just Like Your Abuela” on her website Tuesday (photo), after daughter Chelsea announced that she was pregnant.
“[Hillary] isn’t afraid to talk about the importance of el respeto,” the site proclaimed, and “she knows what’s best.”
Also, we learned, “she reacts this way when people le faltan el respeto:”
Mas…Hillary: I’m like your abuela! Twitter: #NoMames #NotMyAbuela
Santa hates milk and cookies, kids! He ❤️ arroz, frijoles, plantanos y res
Attention Latino/Hispanic children in southeast Florida: Santa Claus does not want your milk and cookies, kids. He wants plantanos, y arroz y frijoles negros y res (could be puerco) … from Sedano’s.
Veronica and Ruben Villa are expecting: Welcome Baby Tajin (video)
Is this is the spiciest expectant parents announcement video ever?
Mas…Veronica and Ruben Villa are expecting: Welcome Baby Tajin (video)
Hollywood and Silicon Valley agree: ‘We dig diversity!’ (photo)
[Photo via Paul Coelho. Thanks!]
As Hispanic Heritage Month ends, Brooklyn Hispanics try to carry on
(PNS reporting from BROOKLYN) Hispanic Heritage Month is over, and without the corporate-approved celebration as a focus, local members of the Hispanic/Latino community here aren’t really sure how they can go on being local members of the local Hispanic/Latino community here.
“What now?” lamented Brooklyn native and prolific bloguera Marielena Gutierrez (photo, right.)
“Should I tell people to call me Mary Ellen for the remaining 11 months of the year? It’s not like they ever pronounce it right anyway,” she wrote on her PobrePickle blog.
Mas…As Hispanic Heritage Month ends, Brooklyn Hispanics try to carry on
Area taquerias are on lockdown as Trump fever heats up
(PNS reporting from EAST LOS ANGELES) Neighborhood taquerias are on lockdown today with customers urged to “shelter in place” as Donald Trump’s immigrant-hating white wing campaign for the GOP presidential nomination heats up.
Patrons at the highly-rated Guisados on East Cesar E. Chavez Avenue (photo) said they felt particularly vulnerable as Trump supporters began threatening taco-loving families with scary bumper stickers (photo, right).
Maria Muñoz: Mal*Mart gives back to local communities (video)
Mal★Mart is a good neighbor, supporting local communities and creating jobs all across America — with a smile. Just ask Latina entrepreneur Maria Muñoz of Maria’s Flan.
Playing the Trump Card (toon)
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