Talk (And Sing) Like A (Mexican) Pirate Day: ‘Santy Anno’ (video)
It’s International Talk Sing Like A Pirate Day and we’re please to present not only a “sea shanty” about being a pirate, but one about the Mexican-American war of the 1850s. It’s even in Wikipedia! This video of Santy Anno has music by Forebitter and Lord Cavendish manga-influenced artwork assembled by uploader LordDrakoArakis, probably not his real name.
Here’s the some of what Wikipedia says about this traditional song:
Mas…Talk (And Sing) Like A (Mexican) Pirate Day: ‘Santy Anno’ (video)
I’m not changing my name to give White people diversity cred
I am a mixed-race person. My father’s indigenous ancestors are from multiple tribes of present-day Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Northern Mexico, and throughout the Americas. They’ve been on this land for over ten thousand years. My other ancestors through him hail from Mexico, West Africa, and Spain.
I was raised to believe I am White. My mom is White, of Scottish, Swedish, and French descent, and the man who raised me is a tall blonde man of Dutch-Polish descent. That’s where I get my last name – Vande Panne. It is Dutch in origin, most likely from the village of De Panne on the present-day Belgian coast.
Mas…I’m not changing my name to give White people diversity cred
Tia Lencha’s Cocina: Is Cinco de Mayo Fake News?
Yesterday, mijo ask me gwhy peoples celebrate the Cinco de Mayo.
“Is because of the Battle of Puebla,” I tole him.
“Do people in Mexico get borrachos and crazy like they do here in the United States?”
“Crazy? No. The kids get day off from eschool and then some mens dresses up in the pueblo of Puebla and play like is the battle happening again.”
“No crazy borrachos?”
“No, is more like kids eating candy and washing TV.”
“Is it about Mexican people being proud of their culture?”
“No,” I say. “I’m no proud of gringos gwearing sombreros and eating chimichangas.”
“Are chimichangas Mexican?”
“I don know. I never ate one,” I say. “But the gringos love to eat the food with all the cheez I don know what it is.”
Ghost of Spanish dude sighted in CDMX, and he is pissed!
(PNS reporting from MEXICO CITY) A reeking appartition dressed in the decaying uniform of a Spanish Conquistador was sighted around Mexico City last week, and boy, was he pissed!
The shrieking ghost was seen haunting the Mexico City site of a 1720 battle where the indigenous Mexica Empire defeated the Spanish.
Area man Pito Perez, who reported the ghost to PNS, said it first he thought the goblin might be La Llorona, or pero his drunk Uncle Abelardo, the mariachi, but no.
Mas…Ghost of Spanish dude sighted in CDMX, and he is pissed!
POCHO Jefe @LaloAlcaraz: Melania is welcome at my house! (podcast)
It’s POCHO Jefe Lalo Alcaraz, guesting on the Only in America podcast with Ali Noorani. Here’s how they describe the episode:
Mas…POCHO Jefe @LaloAlcaraz: Melania is welcome at my house! (podcast)
La Cucaracha: Even More Great Moments in Latino History (toons)
Mas…La Cucaracha: Even More Great Moments in Latino History (toons)