Sexual harassment is everywhere, not just Hollywood! Shocking, no?

Currently, the focus is on Hollywood and Harvey Weinstein, who has been accused of harassment, attacks, and/or rape by over 70 women. This evil industry. Hollywood.

Shocking, no?

No, carnales. Before the Weinstein story broke, Bill Cosby, the sweater-wearing, jello-eating [alleged] rapist, was accused of attacking or raping 41 women. Did we forget about him? To date, he has not been convicted. People still defend him.

Mas…Sexual harassment is everywhere, not just Hollywood! Shocking, no?


(PNS reporting from HOLLYWOOD) Latino media crix nix the new prime-time fall tele sked in latest minority tubthump, claiming the nets are ignoring a whammo part of the aud by nixing topline talent of color. They also accuse not only webs, but percenteries, individual percenters, reps, prexies and veeps for the lack of color in the ranks of exex, scribblers, scripters, scribes, helmers and thesps.


Stereotype much? TV spot for Spectrum cable’s Mi Plan has ’em all

Hot sexy salsa dancers! A party — or is it a fiesta? Hopping lowriders! Flags of many nations! Something for the kids! Did Charter/Spectrum/TimeWarner/RoadRunner miss any Latinx cliches?

We asked our favorite ad maven Bernadette Rivero what was missing and what was happening in this spot:

“Missing?” she emailed back. “An abuela kicking a soccer ball with her feet while batting a piñata with one hand and making a call to Latin America.”

L.A. OGs WAR (the ORIGINAL band): ‘Cinco de Mayo’ (1981 complete)

This 1981 single from WAR was the first time many non-Latinos heard of Cinco de Mayo. This photo shows the original guys at the Sunset Grill (7439 Sunset, next to their offices (Far Out Productions) at 7417 Sunset. The Guitar Center swallowed up 7417 a while back.

L-R: Charles Miller (sax, RIP), Lonnie Jordan (keyboards, the only original member in the new so-called WAR), Howard Scott (guitar, Lowrider Band), Harold Brown (drums, Lowrider Band), BB Dickerson (bass, Lowrider Band), Lee Oskar (harmonica, Lowrider Band). Not pictured, Papa Dee (RIP, percussion).

[DISCLOSURE: I was WAR’s National Director of Album Promotion for a while and ate so often at the Sunset Grill (like in the Eagles song) I could run a tab.]

Mas…L.A. OGs WAR (the ORIGINAL band): ‘Cinco de Mayo’ (1981 complete)

He made a new GIF about L.A. every day for a month (video)

Artist James Curran explains the method behind his madness in creating LAGifAThon:

In July I spent a month in Los Angeles where I animated a new GIF every day for 30 days inspired by something that happened during my stay.

See all the looping GIFs on Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram with #LAGifathon or follow me to keep up with the next Gifathon, coming soon…

Pocho Ocho Best Ways to #MakeMoviesMexican (via Twitter)

cornVery late Wednesday night, I created a Twitter hashtag — #MakeMoviesMexican — and asked the Tuiteros if they had suggestions.

Huh? What do you mean? Like this:

#MAKEMOVIESMEXICAN. Gone With the Migra. White Men Can’t Cumbia. Get the idea?

(It turns out I wasn’t the first with this idea. Superstar pocho comic Felipe Esparza tried this concept in February.)

Here are the Pocho Ocho NEW Top Tweets we got in return (racist, ignorant Tweets not included — the entire thread is below.):

8. Mex In The City

7. Dude, Juarez My Car?

6. Finding Chapo

Mas…Pocho Ocho Best Ways to #MakeMoviesMexican (via Twitter)

WAR (the OG band): ‘Cinco de Mayo’ (1981 complete)

warcincoThis 1981 single from WAR was the first time many non-Latinos heard of Cinco de Mayo. This photo shows the original guys at the Sunset Grill (7439 Sunset, next to their offices (Far Out Productions) at 7417 Sunset. The Guitar Center swallowed up 7417 a while back.

L-R: Charles Miller (sax, RIP), Lonnie Jordan (keyboards, the only original member in the new so-called WAR), Howard Scott (guitar, Lowrider Band), Harold Brown (drums, Lowrider Band), BB Dickerson (bass, Lowrider Band), Lee Oskar (harmonica, Lowrider Band). Not pictured, Papa Dee (RIP, percussion).

[DISCLOSURE: I was WAR’s National Director of Album Promotion for a while and ate so often at the Sunset Grill (like in the Eagles song) I could run a tab.]

Mas…WAR (the OG band): ‘Cinco de Mayo’ (1981 complete)

Casting Call: Latina actress to play Donald Trump’s assistant (photo)

castingAre you an attractive and passionate Latina actress, 21-35, with perfect English and a slight Hispanic accent who wants to deliver scripted monologues talking straight to the camera about your experiences working as an executive assistant for Donald Trump for an Internet video of some sort?

Don’t apply if you’re in the Screen Actors Guild, or want to get paid. You’ll get a copy, your name will be in the credits and you can be a star on social media. Bring your own lube.

Here’s the original casting notice email, via Los Angeles actor Siri Corretjer on Facebook:

Mas…Casting Call: Latina actress to play Donald Trump’s assistant (photo)

Hollywood Casting History: The ‘Latina Bombshell’ (toons)

disgustmeTime and again I have tipped my sombrero to the remarkable treasures to be found at Pappy’s Golden Age Comics Blogzine, but now he has outdone himself with a post that gibes/gels/fuses with my #textmex and #mextasy researches/art/presentations and more.

One of his latest entries is a comic book from 1951 that fictionalizes the life and times of Lupe Velez — the “Mexican Spitfire” at the heart of my research in Myra Mendible’s From Bananas to Buttocks and in my own Tex[t]-Mex: Seductive Hallucinations of the “Mexican” in America {(Quality Comics’ Love Secrets #41 (1941), reprinted from Love Confessions #9 (1951)}

Mas…Hollywood Casting History: The ‘Latina Bombshell’ (toons)

Ultimate ‘Mexican Standoff’ movie mashup has no Mexicans (videos)

“A Mexican standoff,” according to Wikipedia, “is a confrontation among two or more parties in which no participant can proceed or retreat without being exposed to danger.” ¡Orale! Let’s get some of those cinema standoff scenes and mash them up! [POCHO only presents this video after receiving assurances from responsible parties that “no actual Mexicans were harmed in the making of this mashup.” Your mileage may vary.]

The mashup highlights the “trio scene” from The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, a classic example of film editing. The 1966 Western was directed by Sergio Leone, and starred Clint Eastwood before he lost his mind, Lee Van Cleef, and Eli Wallach. Check the scene out here:

Mas…Ultimate ‘Mexican Standoff’ movie mashup has no Mexicans (videos)

Hollywood producer’s Twitter feed highlights sexism in scripts

janeinthemoviesrossputmanFilm producer Ross Putman’s new Twitter feed @FemScriptIntros shares the lines from film scripts where female characters are introduced. To protect the innocent(?), Putman has changed all their names to JANE. The excerpts speak volumes about how “The Industry” thinks about women. Unlike all the women, it’s not a pretty picture.

Here is his Twitter feed in real time:

Mas…Hollywood producer’s Twitter feed highlights sexism in scripts