Mas…La Cucaracha unmasks the strange starting date of Latino Heritage Month
Paola crossed the border as a 5-year old – this is her story (video)
Paola crossed the border into America at the age of 5, wading through the deep Rio Grande river with strangers and being arrested by ICE. She talks about the challenges of growing up undocumented in America, and the increasing tension immigrants are facing since the election.
Did an OVNI/UFO make ‘crop circles’ in Honduras? (video)
Why is there a giant depression (crop circle?) in a sorghum field outside of Victoria, Yoro, in Honduras. Some folks point to a UFO/OVNI.
Mas…Did an OVNI/UFO make ‘crop circles’ in Honduras? (video)
Manu Chao ‘El Viento’: ‘Beast’ train mangles limbs, lives (video)
Manu Chao recorded El Viento (The Wind) five years ago in front of Arizona Racist Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s infamous “tent city” prison, but the tapes were unreleased until now.
In this new music video, the Arizona footage is paired with scenes of would-be Honduran migrants maimed on the infamous “Beast” train (La Bestia) that runs through Mexico en route to El Norte.
NDLON (National Day Laborers Organizing Network) explains:
Mas…Manu Chao ‘El Viento’: ‘Beast’ train mangles limbs, lives (video)
It’s a long, hard road from Central America to El Norte
Escaping criminal gangs in Central America and crossing Mexico to enter the U.S. without papers is only the first step in a long journey, a journey with an ending that remains unknown.
The Intercept tells the story:
A few nights ago, Ana crossed illegally into the United States from Guatemala. Her husband paid a coyote $4,000 to smuggle Ana and their son through the lowland jungles of southern Mexico, up the San Pedro river to the Texas border.
“A gang was after us,” Ana says in a daze, digging her knuckles into her cheeks to stay awake. She and her child were just released from a 48-hour stay at a detention center where it was too cold to sleep.
Por los que no se rajan — for those that don’t crack
(Antigua, Guatemala — December 2000) I glanced up from my plate of rice, beans and perfectly grilled chicken breast. I was nauseous and weak from days of vomiting. Third-world cuisine always leaves me thinner than when I arrive.
In hindsight, I’m not sure if it was the beautiful colors in the woman’s “huipil” or if it was the look of angst on her face that caught my eye. As I gazed out the window of the restaurant I sat in, all I could think about was my own discomfort and what my friends back in the U.S. were doing.
While I contemplated these trivial matters, my father jumped up from his chair. I watched as he grabbed my uneaten plate, bolted out the front door of the restaurant and caught up to the woman I had seen walk by.
Did chupacabras kill 42 sheep on Honduras congressman’s farm?
Farmworkers showing up at Honduras Congressman Valentin Suárez’ farm near Comayagua last week “found dozens of dead sheep with injuries to their necks. Others had bled to death. Nearly 42 animals were lifeless and another 10 injured,” according to the Inexplicata blog, translating a report from Honduras’ La Prensa:
The cost of each animal is between 1000 and 1,500 lempiras [$50-75]…. Suarez said that the farm’s staff will keep a nocturnal watch in the hopes of finding any clue that may clarify the situation.
Mas…Did chupacabras kill 42 sheep on Honduras congressman’s farm?
Lasers in the Honduran jungle pinpoint lost White City of Gold

They tried to discredit the calendars that clearly show the Mayan Doomsday Apocalypse is set for December. They laughed at the evidence of Ancient Astronauts who worked with indigenous people to build the pyramids of Aztlan. But now their own lasers — lasers controlled by a university named after the man who ripped Tejas away from La Raza — now their lasers have found Ciudad Blanca, the legendary lost “White City” of gold in Honduras. Who is laughing now?
The University of Houston reports:
A field team from the University of Houston and the National Science Foundation (NSF) National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping (NCALM) has mapped a remote region of Honduras that may contain the legendary lost city of Ciudad Blanca.
Mas…Lasers in the Honduran jungle pinpoint lost White City of Gold