How gringas, gringos, gabachas y gabachos can pass as poch@s

olmosmemeIf there’s one thing I’m pretty experienced at, it’s navigating between Gringolandia and Mi Raza.

“Osea,” being pocho.

As the racial landscape of our country darkens, for the better, and Latinos become the majority, proving your pocho-ness will become a valuable skill for all gringos, whether Trump likes it or not.

Follow these three simple steps next time you need to pass as pocho.

Studies have shown the more pocho you are, the easier it is to get into law school, get that promotion or land that Hollywood role of a lifetime.

Mas…How gringas, gringos, gabachas y gabachos can pass as poch@s

No justice, no peas? Eight excellent ways to rock the guac


  1. Go for it! Actually try that loco New York Times pea guacamole recipe that has been dividing the nation. Worst case scenario, it’s guácala but you can call your mama and brag to her that you ate an entire vegetable. Maybe she’ll make you some real guacamole as a reward!
  2. Got a fierce sweet tooth? Scandalize everyone by making this dessert guacamole with lots and lots of chocolate!
  3. Impress your Filipino friends by making this sabroso avocado milkshake with condensed milk. (Tell the metiches that ask you what it is that it’s full of nopales!)
  4. Just go ahead and throw everything in your ethnic identity in a bowl with this Chorizo-Queso Fresco-Guacamole!!

    Mas…No justice, no peas? Eight excellent ways to rock the guac

Tips for crossing the border, paper fortune teller style (photos, video)

What do you need to know when crossing to El Norte from Tijuana? One artist who lived that life incorporated all she learned into origami “cootie catcher” fortune teller paper tip sheets. (Silent video, above.)

Isabella Cruz-Chong grew up in Tijuana, she explained to POCHO in an email, “and I would constantly cross between Tijuana and San Diego. The instructions originated from common rules most people from there know, personal instructions that my parents used to tell me when I was growing up. Some are my own that I have learned that are important to be aware of. All of the instructions are written in my own words.”

Mas…Tips for crossing the border, paper fortune teller style (photos, video)

Tia Lencha’s Cocina: On Father’s Day I think about my ex’s chorizo


Hola. Is Tia Lencha here.

After many jears of being divorce from mijo’s daddy, (that’s a photo of him leaving I took for the lawyer), I share with ju the recipe I make for the Father’s Day, which is on Sunday. When I think of mijo’s daddy, I think of chorizo.

Oso, when I see a good looking chorizo at the store, I think of mijo’s daddy. Get jur mind out of the trash can, cochinos. Is because mijo’s daddy make really good chorizo!

Mas…Tia Lencha’s Cocina: On Father’s Day I think about my ex’s chorizo

Brit paper explains how to eat nachos — the exotic ‘titans of trash food’

nachosukNachos are exotic foreign fare in Merrye Olde Inglaterra, so you need someone to explain how they work. We think “trash food” is British for “junk food,” but these people also call cookies “biscuits” so who knows what they mean.

Anyhow, our Limey expert’s first step to acceptable nacho eating is the purchase of Doritos. Ruh roh.

Mas…Brit paper explains how to eat nachos — the exotic ‘titans of trash food’

A Latina’s Guide: How to talk to a racist

As unfortunate a reality as it may be, one way or another in our country, you’re going to have to deal with someone who is racist, or at least holds a little bit of prejudice.

What’s even more unfortunate is that you’re most likely to come across someone who doesn’t necessarily know that they are prejudiced, and thus, pointing out this behavior or dealing with it may be a bit more difficult for you.

Now, say that you are a Latina and so have to deal with society’s sexist — as well as racist — attitudes and all of a sudden you find yourself in a bit of a bind. How does one fight The Man, preconceived notions of femininity (from both American and Latino cultures), civility standards, sexism and racism all at once?

I have a few tips that I thought might be useful, so here we go:

1. Don’t blow up

Mas…A Latina’s Guide: How to talk to a racist

Top Tips: Pocho Ocho ways modern Chicanas can get their man

Anyone who has read the Dear Abuelita columns, or dated, knows that it can be a rough world out there. Here we are, beautiful, educated Chicanas, and we can’t seem to bag husbands in time to put a bun in the oven.

What’s a Chicana to do? We came up with a few ways that modern Chicanas can bag a man in no time:

8. Make friends with his mom. That way, she can just order him to go out with you.

7. Get in a fight with his ex. While this may not result in a relationship, it will certainly get his attention, and shit, who doesn’t love to watch girls fight?

6. Flirt with his best friend. Machismo at its finest would not permit a man to see a woman he liked with another vato.

Mas…Top Tips: Pocho Ocho ways modern Chicanas can get their man