Mas…La Cucaracha: ICE Kiddy Koncentration Kamps are re-branding (toon)
POCHO amigo Arnie Bermudez’ new cartoon series follows events at your favorite local taqueria, SARAPE’s GRILL. Let’s take a look ….
Mas…Today’s Special: Nachos and a side of history at SARAPE’s GRILL (toon)
Our nation has reached a very dangerous turning point.
Migrant children are literally being ripped from the arms of mothers, and the cruel American government claims it is the immigrant’s fault for seeking asylum, or a better life in the U.S.A.
You can protest this sick policy pushed by the Trump regime by printing out a high-resolution poster version of my cartoon for use at rallies, protests and display at your home or place of business [LINK BELOW.]
Mas…ICE IS KIDNAPPING OUR KIDS: Download Hi-Res Rally Poster Here
In Great Big Story: Love Beyond Borders: Mom and Daughter by haimy assefa, a mother and daughter get a rare chance to hug when the border fence is briefly opened. I’m not crying you’re crying
In DREAMER, an ordinary Latino dude comes home from work and discovers he has been replaced by a whiter version of himself. And Ms. Latino Dude? Don’t ask! [Written by and starring Eddie Mujica; directed and edited by Chris Sturgeon.]
During the 1990s, when Luis Echeverría Álvarez was president of Mexico, technicians recorded a presentation of Mexicanos, al grito de guerra, the Mexican national anthem. In 2014, artist Iván Abreu “pressed” the anthem onto a 7-inch 45-RPM record made of ice. Listen before it melts! Or maybe listen WHILE it melts, starting about two minutes in.
The long fight to keep the Garcia family together ended early Monday at Detroit Metro Airport. Jorge kissed his wife and children goodbye before boarding a plane to Mexico.
Mas…Happy MLK Day from la MIGRA: GTF out of our country, Mexican (video)