When is a taco not a taco? What does the Icelandic chef say? (video)
This Seafood Taco in a Nordic Style LOOKS LIKE A TACO but except for the fish, there is not one ingredient you’d see in a taco in your neighborhood. The “tortilla” is made from rye flour, the “skyr sauce” is some kind of Icelandic yogurt, and the fennel and watercress are not your abuelita’s pico de gallo. All in all, it might be delish. But is it a taco? Discuss. [EDITOR’s NOTE: Canadians have craftily rebranded “rapeseed oil.” We North Americans call it “Canola” eh.]
‘Panama Wash’ detergent gets out the bloodstains (1976 advert)
[Historical magazine advertisement scanned at Scarfolk Council.]