POCHO wishes all you pochos a Merry Christmas (toon)
Merry Christmas from Los Pochodores: Lalo Alcaraz, Jefe-in-Chief; Dennis Wilen AKA Comic Saenz, Jefe de Content; Sara Inés Calderón, Subcommandanta del Ñews; Beto Mesta AKA Eres Nerd, Texas Burro Jefe; Elise Roedenbeck, New Jack City Burro Jefe (Emeritus); Celina Martinez, Food and Gwine Editor; Al Madrigal, Migrant Editor.
Ask A Mexican: Why do Salvadorans and Mexicans hate so much? (video)
Gustavo ¡Ask A Mexican! Arellano steps back into the video limelight to ponder the question: Why do Mexicans (and Mexican-Americans) and Salvadorans (and Salvadoran-Americans) hate each other so much? Is it because Salvadoran horchata is better than Mexican horchata? And the fact that pupusas kick gorditas’ culinary nalgas? Or are they just following an age-old American tradition of hatin’ on the newbies that goes back at least to Benjamin Franklin?
Mas…Ask A Mexican: Why do Salvadorans and Mexicans hate so much? (video)
It’s a long, hard road from Central America to El Norte
Escaping criminal gangs in Central America and crossing Mexico to enter the U.S. without papers is only the first step in a long journey, a journey with an ending that remains unknown.
The Intercept tells the story:
A few nights ago, Ana crossed illegally into the United States from Guatemala. Her husband paid a coyote $4,000 to smuggle Ana and their son through the lowland jungles of southern Mexico, up the San Pedro river to the Texas border.
“A gang was after us,” Ana says in a daze, digging her knuckles into her cheeks to stay awake. She and her child were just released from a 48-hour stay at a detention center where it was too cold to sleep.
Alaskans praise candidate who will save us from illegals with tats
(PNS reporting from ANCHORAGE, AK) Some they call him Joe, some they call him Doh! but one group of Alaska voters is 100% behind Joe Miller, the Tea Party-affiliated candidate who is seeking a United States Senate nomination.
“His campaign mailer (click on photo to enlarge) convinced us that Miller will do a great job keeping the thriving Latino community of Alaska in check,” read a press release issued Thursday by Cecilia Jones, the president of National Organization for Minorities, Advertisements, Media Exposure and Symbolism. “And that especially goes for your drug-dealing border-crossing tat-wearing illegal alien Democrat voters!”
Mas…Alaskans praise candidate who will save us from illegals with tats
Bush Sr. backs DREAMers, Reagan says ‘no border fence’ (1980 video)
Come with us now to those thrilling days of yesteryear (1980), when Republican candidate George H.W. Bush backed the rights of kids brought into the country without documents and GOP rival Ronald W. Reagan just said no to a fence on the Mexican border.
War on drugs, war on immigrants are racism in action (video)
America’s “mass incarceration and the U.S. deportation machine are deeply intertwined,” according to “And black immigrants get swept up in both systems. A new video from the Black Alliance for Just Immigration spells it out.”
As the Illegal Mexicans and Muslims Invade (a poem)
Stop the gay Muslim Chinese terrorist illegal aliens! (video)
Conservatives explain how gays, Muslims, Mexicans and President Obama are all working together to destroy the moral fabric of America. Video’d at an anti-immigration protest in Houston, pro-immigration supporters also chime in while dancing.
La Cucaracha: Murrieta, CA is concerned for the kids (toon)
In case you missed it, the “crisis manager” hired by Murrieta doesn’t much like my cartoons or my use of the Twitter hashtag #MurrietaHateCityUSA.
Ken White, of the most excellent PopeHat blog has the story:
Mas…La Cucaracha: Murrieta, CA is concerned for the kids (toon)
Jorge Ramos: Let’s treat child refugees like children (video)
Jorge Ramos, of Univision and FUSION, says there is but one moral choice for America: We have to treat child refugees like the children they are — with love.
Undocumented strangers meet and share their secrets (video)
Director Rocsi Diaz’s short video The Secrets of Strangers explores what happens when undocumented immigrants reveal their status to people they have just met — other undocumented immigrants.
Mas…Undocumented strangers meet and share their secrets (video)
Texas Governor Perry ‘outraged’ at deportation center photos
(PNS reporting from AUSTIN) Texas Governor Rick Perry was “outraged” after seeing leaked photos of crowded child detainees at the U.S. Border Patrol Detention center in Brownsville, PNS has learned.
“The kind of sloppy detention seen in those photos is a clear waste of space as well as taxpayer dollars,” Perry said in an email sent to aides Monday night.
Perry thinks the centers could squeeze in more detainees using the “tight pack” system long advocated by GOP lobbyist John E. Rebb.
Mas…Texas Governor Perry ‘outraged’ at deportation center photos
Where do immigrants come from? These days, the answer is ‘Mexico’
These days in Aztlan — and across lots of the United Estates — most immigrants come from Mexico, but it wasn’t always that way. A hundred years ago or so they were from Germany.
The Pew Research Center reports:
Mas…Where do immigrants come from? These days, the answer is ‘Mexico’