We didn’t cross the border, the border crossed us.
Pocho Ocho top reasons I’m still scared of taco trucks on every corner
Remember that Latinx Trump supporter who told us to be scared, because if Hillary were elected there would be taco trucks on every corner? This vendido:
Dude was right, and here are the Pocho Ocho Top Reasons Why:
8. I’ll be forced into a perpetual cycle of “How many tacos can I eat in one sitting?”
7. Increased likelihood I’m ordering after a white guy who speaks better Spanish than me (shot-out Mormon missionaries, I see tu’).
6. In the first week, I’ll lose three fingers from frostbite after digging out my Mexican Coke from under the avalanche of shaved ice.
Mas…Pocho Ocho top reasons I’m still scared of taco trucks on every corner
La Cucaracha: The Trump Family Circus is all about adoptions (toon)
Mas…La Cucaracha: The Trump Family Circus is all about adoptions (toon)
La Cucaracha: ‘Sup, Trump Family Circus? “It’s complicated!” (toon)
Mas…La Cucaracha: ‘Sup, Trump Family Circus? “It’s complicated!” (toon)
Samantha Bee: Undocumented immigrants make your food (video)
Samantha Bee stops by the City of Brotherly Love’s South Philly Barbacoa and learns about the vital roles immigrants (undocumented and documented) play in making the food we eat.
The U.S. was once known as ‘a nation of immigrants’ — now, not so much (video)
A Mexican cleaning lady in New York Ctiy learns that the “nation of immigrants” is not so friendly these days. Based on a true story, Let My People Stay is by Olivia G. Jimenez.
La Cucaracha: In Tenochtitlan, Chepe y Pepe meet the neighbors
Mas…La Cucaracha: In Tenochtitlan, Chepe y Pepe meet the neighbors
In ‘Welcome to America’, undocumented Yeni González crosses the country to be reunited with her kids stolen by La Migra (video)
Yeni González is one of the mothers who suddenly found herself thousands of miles away from her children this spring, after the alt-white regime’s “zero-tolerance” immigration policy went into effect. This TIME Red Border Film documentary shows how grassroots activists banded together to transport González from a detention center in Eloy, AZ, to New York City, where her children were placed at a social service agency after the undocumented family crossed the U.S.-Mexico border and was apprehended by the Border Patrol in May.
Looking for a career with guns and hate and anger? ICE IS FOR YOU! (video)
Do you have anger issues, love guns, and enjoy hate? ICE IS looking for you! [Video by Michelle Wolf.]
POCHO HISTORY 101: Keep poor Irishmen, Italian gangsters, and English convicts OUT OF THE U.S.A! (toon)
Fear of immigrants has a long history in the United States. In this cartoon, published in 1891, illustrator Grant Hamilton draws a judge scolding Uncle Sam:
If Immigration was properly Restricted you would no longer be troubled with Anarchy, Socialism, the Mafia and such kindred evils!
From New York Harbor behind them comes a horde of arriving immigrants labeled “German socialist,” “Russian anarchist,” “Polish vagabond,” “Italian brigand,” “English convict,” and “Irish pauper.
Hey, USA! It’s time to change your ‘Dirty Diaper’ (video, lyrics)
POCHO amigo Eric Holland thinks something smells funny in the United Estates. (Eric is a new dad which may account for the diaper analogy.)
Mira los lyrics:
Mas…Hey, USA! It’s time to change your ‘Dirty Diaper’ (video, lyrics)
Today’s Special: Nachos and a side of history at SARAPE’s GRILL (toon)
POCHO amigo Arnie Bermudez’ new cartoon series follows events at your favorite local taqueria, SARAPE’s GRILL. Let’s take a look ….
Mas…Today’s Special: Nachos and a side of history at SARAPE’s GRILL (toon)