We didn’t cross the border, the border crossed us.
‘Happy Asian Thanksgiving’ from the Fung Brothers (video)
American children of immigrants are all the same when it comes to dealing with Thanksgiving.
Y digamos: “Amén.”
POCHO History 101: Undocumented Pilgrims’ first Thanksgiving (video)
The Pilgrims, after all, were boat people fleeing religious oppression, ordinary families seeking freedom in a new land. But no one expects the Algonquin Migra. [Video by the 18 Mighty Mountain Warriors.]
Hip Hop Hoodíos: ‘Mexican Miller (The Self-Hating Stephen Miller Song)’
Former nice Jewish boy and current White House official Stephen Miller coagulates coordinates Trump’s bloody anti-immigrant message and policies.
This begs the musical question: What would Miller rap about if he were a self-hating Mexican and not a self-hating Jew?
Mas…Hip Hop Hoodíos: ‘Mexican Miller (The Self-Hating Stephen Miller Song)’
Singer Nancy Sanchez: Why vote? ‘The Kids Are Still In Cages’
For singer-songwriter Nancy Sanchez — brought to the United Estates as a babe-in-arms — this election is personal.
PS: She’s not a creep.
Mas…Singer Nancy Sanchez: Why vote? ‘The Kids Are Still In Cages’