Mas…La Cucaracha: Computer friends are REAL FRIENDS, amirite?
Stereotype much? TV spot for Spectrum cable’s Mi Plan has ’em all
Hot sexy salsa dancers! A party — or is it a fiesta? Hopping lowriders! Flags of many nations! Something for the kids! Did Charter/Spectrum/TimeWarner/RoadRunner miss any Latinx cliches?
We asked our favorite ad maven Bernadette Rivero what was missing and what was happening in this spot:
“Missing?” she emailed back. “An abuela kicking a soccer ball with her feet while batting a piñata with one hand and making a call to Latin America.”
MashiMachine makes Ecuador’s president say what you want
Check out this web app where you can make a video with the words you put in the mouth of Rafael Correa, the anti-free speech President of Ecuador.
And here he thought he was the only person allowed to say anything without fear of repression. Not on our Internet, amigo.
I’d love to see a Trump version of MashiMachine!
Dear Donald: Here’s my audition tape for your Internet video
Remember how Donald Trump or somebody like him put out a casting call for a Latina to play the Donald’s executive assistant in an internet video?
SoCal actor Diana Burbano sent in this audition tape.
Casting Call: Latina actress to play Donald Trump’s assistant (photo)
Are you an attractive and passionate Latina actress, 21-35, with perfect English and a slight Hispanic accent who wants to deliver scripted monologues talking straight to the camera about your experiences working as an executive assistant for Donald Trump for an Internet video of some sort?
Don’t apply if you’re in the Screen Actors Guild, or want to get paid. You’ll get a copy, your name will be in the credits and you can be a star on social media. Bring your own lube.
Here’s the original casting notice email, via Los Angeles actor Siri Corretjer on Facebook:
Mas…Casting Call: Latina actress to play Donald Trump’s assistant (photo)
Abuela with iPad terrorizes area family via Facebook
(PNS reporting from CHICAGO) Rigoberto “Rigo” Chavez, 15, cringed in horror when he logged into Facebook Thursday morning and received a notification that his abuelita had once again commented on his status.
The high school junior had posted a status that read “$waaaag$” and Abuelita replied in ALL CAPS:
Meet @BurritoPatents, the burrito-oriented bot with a Twitter account
Meet @BurritoPatents (aka Burrito Inventions), a bot by @JoeMFox, which reports hourly on developments on the cutting edge of burrito-related patents.
This is why Al Gore invented the Internets.
Mas…Meet @BurritoPatents, the burrito-oriented bot with a Twitter account
Heavy Rain to Hit Houston, Texas, Thursday, January 22, 2015 (video)
Here’s Thursday’s weather forecast for Houston, Texas, via Nova Scotia, Canadia, provided by Internetz Weather Expert FRANKIE:
Heavy Rain is on its way for Houston Texas on Thursday January 22, 2015 and it will bring 30+ mm of rain and the Heaviest Rain will be in Southeastern Texas Including Houston and Galveston and the Center of the Low Pressure System is Heading into the Gulf of Mexico that will cause a lot of Rain in Houston Texas and the Surrounding Areas and it will be a lot of Rain in Southeastern Texas Including Houston and it will bring Windy Conditions and the Thursday will not be a good day to Head to the Beach in Galveston Texas and it will bring Windy Conditions in Houston Texas and the Surrounding Areas and People in Houston Texas Be Prepared have your Rubber Boots, Rain Coats and Rain Suits Ready and when you are walking Wear your Rain Gear, Rubber Boots and Rain Coats to keep you Dry and have your Umbrella Ready and Don’t Walk Through the Puddles and Avoid the Puddles when you are going for a walk and it will be Very Wet Conditions in Southeastern Texas Including Houston on Thursday January 22, 2015 and it will Not be a Good Day to Head down to the Beach to Go Swimming in Galveston Texas and Order your Pizzas and Chinese Food and Buy cases of Pepsi and Coke and have your iPads, iPods, Cell Phones, Laptops and Tablets Charged and have your 3G and 4G Internet Ready since it will be Very Wet and Rainy down in Houston Texas on Thursday and if you have anybody living in Houston Texas Be Prepared for the Heavy Rain on Thursday January 22, 2015 Take Care and Stay Safe and Don’t Get Caught in the Heavy Rain Stay Dry and Be Safe.
A message from your local cable/internet provider (NSFW video)
Your local cable and internet provider wants to make a few things clear. [NSFW language.]
Throwback Thursday: Lalo Alcaraz’s ‘Virtual Varrio’ (1996) ;-{>
In 1996, The Daily Pennsylvanian, the student newspaper of the University of Pennsylvania, reported on a presentation by POCHO Jefe-in-Chief Lalo Alcaraz at the 14th annual Festival Latino de Penn.
You won’t believe what happened next!
Actually, nothing happened next — it happened a few years before 1996. Que? POCHO Jefe-de-Content Comic Saenz was Managing Editor of VERY SAME The Daily Pennsylvanian when he went to Penn and he planted that Lalo story in a future edition by means of his WordPress wormhole publishing prowess, which powers this POCHO.COM you are reading right now!
Lalo has remained true to his mission. At the festival, he unveiled his plans for POCHO.COM, his vision for a virtual varrio on the Internets, where ordinary people can control their own media:
Chicano cartoonist entertains students
By ANJALI KUMAR · March 28, 1996, 5:00 amCartooning is not what it used to be, according to Chicano political cartoonist Lalo Alcaraz.
Alcaraz spoke Monday night in Houston Hall, opening up the 14th annual Festival Latino de Penn.
Mas…Throwback Thursday: Lalo Alcaraz’s ‘Virtual Varrio’ (1996) ;-{>
Too busy to make new enemies? Try MyNemesis·com (video)
Do it right or don’t do it at all! How to throw a pie in the face (videos)
The act of throwing a pie in someone’s face is not a mission to be undertaken lightly, and it’s a mission we certainly do not recommend, advocate nor encourage, according to our attorneys.
A poorly thought-out pieing plan can backfire, leaving the pie thrower to deal with unintended consequences (see video, above.) Helpful, illustrated hypertext pie throwing manuals are why Al Gore invented the Internets, and this introduction, we hope, might be of some use to you. Not you with the YOLO T-shirt. Those calmer looking people with the NO FRACKING WAY hoodies.
According to online anarchists and pie-throwing experts, there is a proven two-step approach to an effective pie throw, and also several do’s and don’t’s in considering the pie per se. Peep this info graphic:
Mas…Do it right or don’t do it at all! How to throw a pie in the face (videos)
Losing your religion on the Internets and Pocho Ocho other things
The more you use the Internets, the more likely you are to lose your religion, according to a new study.
America is less religious than ever before. The number of Americans who reported no religious affiliation has been growing rapidly, doubling since 1990. That kind of rapid change matches another societal trend — growth in Internet use. The percentage of Americans who say they used the Internet went from nearly zero in 1990 to 87 percent this year.
Now, a detailed data analysis finds the two trends aren’t just related, but that wider Internet use may actually be leading us to lose our religion.
Mas…Losing your religion on the Internets and Pocho Ocho other things
Dear Photoshop Experts: Can you turn the background black? (photos)
t starts at
An innocent netizen asks for help with a photo, like Danilo here, who writes in requesting the Photoshop experts insert a black background into a snapshot:
req. help
help guys
i would like to turn black background this photo but i don't how T-T
pls anyone help me
heres the picture
Danilo’s request gets a prompt reply with a new, Photoshopped image:
Mas…Dear Photoshop Experts: Can you turn the background black? (photos)
Where the clicks are: Top websites by country (infographic)
Google or Feisbuk? This cool infographic from the people at Information Geographies at the Oxford Internet Institute shows which website is most popular in each country in the Western Hemisphere. It looks like Cuba is still hanging out on MySpace.
Here’s the full world map:
Mas…Where the clicks are: Top websites by country (infographic)
Online surge of Constitutional Law, Bible experts slows the Internets
(PNS reporting from SILICON VALLEY) The Internets slowed to a virtual crawl yesterday as millions of experts in Constitutional Law and The Holy Bible took to Twitter and Facebook to educate ignorant netizens about the God-hating freedom-attacking Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage.
“It was definitely a brownout, dude,” according to 18-year-old Jaime “Twitchy” Loftwich, who runs the worldwide computer network from the basement of his mom’s home in Palo Alto. “Hella load,” he emailed PNS. “I haven’t seen ping times like that since Kim Kardashian was rushed to Cedars-Sinai!”
Mas…Online surge of Constitutional Law, Bible experts slows the Internets
Breaking: University of Phoenix admission thrills local woman
(PNS reporting from WAUKEGAN, IL) Erlinda Morales has wanted an MBA degree for years, but it wasn’t until a Facebook ad for the University of Phoenix popped into her newsfeed that her dream began to come true.
“All I had to do was click on the ad, fill out a form, and all of a sudden I’m in graduate school getting my Masters in Business Administration! This is the happiest day of my life!” she posted on a Facebook Status Update Sunday afternoon.
“They’re such a big deal, they have ads everywhere — not just any school would be able to advertise like that,” she bragged.
Mas…Breaking: University of Phoenix admission thrills local woman