Manic Hispanic is in a ‘Holding Cell’ (video plus lyrics)
Despite vehement protestations of innocence, the local constables have incarcerated a member of Manic Hispanic on criminal charges. At least according to this song [NSFW lyrics]:
Mas…Manic Hispanic is in a ‘Holding Cell’ (video plus lyrics)
Boyle Heights’ The Tracks want you to ‘Go Out Tonight’ (video, lyrics)
Go Out Tonight is the debut release from Boyle Heights band The Tracks. The noir-looking video — with visuals from the 1961 film The Exiles — sets a contrasting stage for the band’s poppy high energy sound and escapist lyrics:
Mas…Boyle Heights’ The Tracks want you to ‘Go Out Tonight’ (video, lyrics)
Pocho Ocho top ways El Chapo could escape again
Mexico has recaptured fugitive drug cartel jefe El Chapo Guzman –– who notoriously tunneled out of a high security prison last summer –- but the criminal mastermind isn’t done yet.
Sources tell our correspondents that Guzman’s narcotrafficante associates are already working on plans to bust the gangster out of his next cellblock; we’ve compiled this list of the Pocho Ocho Top Ways El Chapo Could Escape Again:
8. Trained bats
7. Incredible shrinking ray
6. Those gigantor worms from Tremors
Pocho Ocho most amazing facts behind El Chapo’s daring escape
The daring prison escape of Mexican drug lord El Chapo Guzman Saturday has raised many questions. Why Saturday? Who dug the tunnel? How did they do it? How did they hide?
Here are Pocho Ocho Most Amazing Facts Behind El Chapo’s Escape we’ve unearthed so far:
8. Shoutout to Uber de Mexico for the fast pickup!
7. Strategic rest areas every 200 meters stocked with Red Bull and Takis
6. Extra guys at Home Depot got lucky that day
Mas…Pocho Ocho most amazing facts behind El Chapo’s daring escape
Flaco Jimenez vs Los Gabachos: ‘El Mojado Sin Licencia’ (music video)
The wetback drove from Laredo to San Antonio to see his girl — and that’s when the trouble started.
Chilling Spanish documentary video: ‘When scarecrows go bad’
Chilling black and white documentary footage from Spain shows how a thoughtful gesture by a scarecrow becomes the scarecrow’s literal undoing. But oh mama, could this really be The End?
Pocho Ocho absolutely worst things to do with a Taco Bell burrito
Eric Brown, 36, of Pt. Lucie, FL, is awaiting an arraignment for “assault” because he allegedly threw a Taco Bell burrito in his 16-year-old brother-in-law’s face.
Just so you don’t run afoul of the Law of Burritos, make note of the pocho ocho things you should never EVER do with a Taco Bell burrito:
8. Smoosh it in a 16-year-old’s face
7. Use it as a suppository
6. Mix with papier mache to make a piñata
Mas…Pocho Ocho absolutely worst things to do with a Taco Bell burrito
Don Cheto totally does it ‘Puro Gangnam Style’ (video)
East Los shout-out! And where did they shoot with all the cop cars? Careful, pochos, there is a danger of spitting coffee on your screen, so watch out.
ICE unveils first-ever resort-style hotel for immigrant detainees

(PNS reporting from DEEP IN THE HEART OF TEJAS) U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is opening what they call the first-ever “resort-style hotel” for immigrant detainees.
Critics are calling the new Karnes County (TX) Civil Detention Center a “prison for profit” but ICE is marketing it as a migrant “destination” with “vast amenities” that will keep immigrant detainees coming back for more.
Mas…ICE unveils first-ever resort-style hotel for immigrant detainees