Got Leche? Ask your doctor if UFO cow nipple is right for you! (video)

We asked Google Translate for help with the title of this video –らくのうマザーズCM らくのう牛乳 牛乳ビーム編.

Here’s what we got back: “Ramones no Mothers CM Dairy milk milk milk beam.” The text under the video? “Milk is poured directly from the UFO into the cup which the children have! What? I express taste direct delivery.”

So now you know, too.

Encyclopædia Britannica: Immigration to the U.S.A. (1946 video)

This 1946 educational film from Encyclopædia Brittanica presents a period look at immigration to the New World. “Negroes” are mentioned once, Native Americans are invisible, and Mexicans don’t show up until the very end, but it’s an interesting film pitching the “nation of immigrants” meme. Good public schools are important for the Melting Pot, they note, the quest for freedom brought many persecuted refugees here, Congress started blocking “undesirables” (Asians, Southern and Eastern Europeans) in 1924, and yet there’s the Statue of Liberty who lifts her lamp beside the golden door. History: You’re soaking in it.

Japanese students in San Diego try a ‘sushirrito’ (video)

When Japanese students at the Q International School in San Diego tried an unlikely All-American Mashup, a “sushirrito,” they were surprised.

At first, they noted, the colors weren’t right, there was no mustard and it lacked ketchup and hamburger. On the other hand, nom nom nom!

We weren’t surprised. In SD, burritos have explored new culinary and multicultural frontiers — they come with French fries:

Mas…Japanese students in San Diego try a ‘sushirrito’ (video)

Um, excuse me…we prefer to be called ‘white folk’ (photo)

crackersbigWe can’t track the original of this photo to give its creator props, so we’ll just heartily thank all Internet-enabled photographers, wherever they are. And whatever they want to be called, tambien. After all, what’s in a name?