If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, what am I? And if not now, when? — Rabbi Hillel the Elder. [GIF creator unknown.]
Latino GOP Texas state rep compares Bernie Sanders with Nazis
Texas Republican State Representative Jason Villalba, who represents a rich area of Dallas, continues to defend his Tweet implying Senator Bernie Sanders is acting like a Nazi.
Not that Sanders, who is Jewish, IS a Nazi, just sayin’, OK?
Villalba’s remarks are very similar to common misrepresentations of Latino Republican as vendido coconut pendejo babosos.
Not that Villalba IS a vendido coconut pendejo baboso. Just sayin’, OK?
Mas…Latino GOP Texas state rep compares Bernie Sanders with Nazis
Happy Rosh HaShanah from the Jews of Tijuana! Happy 5776! (video)
Mexico, like the United Estates, is a “nation of immigrants.”
In the 1900s, Tijuana welcomed Jewish refugees fleeing wars, hate and poverty in Europe, Asia and the Mideast.
Tijuana Jews, the story of the extended Artenstein family, has become a POCHO Rosh HaShanah (New Year) tradition ever since we noticed rosh-ha-shanah rhymes with Tijuana.
The Jewish year 5776 begins at sundown Sunday, September 13. We wish all who celebrate a happy, healthy, peaceful, loving, prosperous, and sweet New Year. In Ladino — the hybrid Spanish-Hebrew language Jews spoke in Andaluz before the Inquisition — that’s ANYADA BUENA I DULSE!
Mas…Happy Rosh HaShanah from the Jews of Tijuana! Happy 5776! (video)
Passover matzo balls with Hebrew homies Luis and Jaquann (video)
On Passover (“Pesach” in Hebrew), los Judios eat “bitter herbs” to remember “the bitterness of slavery in Egypt.” In this video, Hebrew homeboys Jaquann and Luis start out with a sweeter herb and then have to satisfy their munchies with matzo balls. Passover starts at sundown tonight. (NSFW drugs and language.)
‘Charlie Hebdo’ is publishing millions of these today (cover cartoon)
“All is forgiven,” says the weeping Prophet Mohammed on the cover of the first post-massacre issue of Charlie Hebdo. “I am Charlie,” reads the sign.
Read more at The Washington Post.
Los Hip Hop Hoodíos light ‘Ocho Kandelikas’ for Hanukkah (videos)
Feliz Hanukkah from POCHO and the Hip Hop Hoodíos! Hanukkah, the Jewish Festival of Lights, begins at sunset tonight and last for eight days: Ocho noches, ocho kandelikas.
Mas…Los Hip Hop Hoodíos light ‘Ocho Kandelikas’ for Hanukkah (videos)
Rosh HaShanah kosher nachos: Totopos de gribeñes con guacamole
Chicharrones are off limits for traditional Jews — pork is not kosher. But that doesn’t mean hungry Judios have to go through life without delicious fried cracklings of their own — they chow down on a crispy fried chicken skin preparation called gribeñes.
Mas…Rosh HaShanah kosher nachos: Totopos de gribeñes con guacamole
American Jews: Maybe your grandparents were ‘illegals’ too (audio)
In my family, they say that Abuelo Abraham Saenz, wearing his WWI U.S. Army uniform, “smuggled” one of his sisters (photo, above) into the country via the Port of Philadelphia, wrapping the girl up in a fur coat so she looked like a rich lady.
The scheme was “dress to impress” so the MIGRA wouldn’t think to question her bonafides. She was illiterate, the story goes, and that wasn’t kosher for poor Jewish would-be immigrants from Ukraine in the early 1900s. The rich bitch trick worked, my great aunt got through immigration and everyone lived happily ever after.
Our family story, it turns out, isn’t unique. There were poor Jews who sneaked across the Mexican border near El Paso, and families smuggled in the cargo holds of ships packed with illegal Cuban rum during Prohibition.
Mas…American Jews: Maybe your grandparents were ‘illegals’ too (audio)
Hebrew homeboys Jaquann and Luis make matzo balls (NSFW video)
On Passover (“Pesach” in Hebrew), los Judios eat “bitter herbs” to remember “the bitterness of slavery in Egypt.” In this video, Hebrew homeboys Jaquann and Luis start out with a sweeter herb and then have to satisfy their munchies with matzo balls. Passover continues through next week. [NSFW drugs and language.]
Mas…Hebrew homeboys Jaquann and Luis make matzo balls (NSFW video)
Epistle to the Internets: ‘Jesus Had A Jewish Mother’ (toon)
“Mom, how many Jews does it take to change a lightbulb?”
“Don’t worry about me, Sammy, I’ll just sit here in the dark.” [RIMSHOT.]
Was it any different for Jesus of Nazareth and his Jewish mother Mary?
Cartoonista Idan Schneider answers the kvetching question as the toon continues here: Jesus Had A Jewish Mom.
Mas…Epistle to the Internets: ‘Jesus Had A Jewish Mother’ (toon)
Hip Hop Hoodíos light ‘Ocho Kandelikas’ for Chanukah (video)
Happy Chanukah the Hip Hop Hoodíos! The Jewish Festival of Lights begins at sunset tonight and ends at sunset on December 5: Ocho noches, ocho kandelikas.
Mas…Hip Hop Hoodíos light ‘Ocho Kandelikas’ for Chanukah (video)
Hebrew homies Jaquann and Luis make matzo balls (NSFW video)
On Passover (“Pesach” in Hebrew), los Judios eat “bitter herbs” to remember “the bitterness of slavery in Egypt.” In this video, Hebrew homeboys Jaquann and Luis start out with a sweeter herb and then have to satisfy their munchies with matzo balls. Passover starts Monday night at sundown. (NSFW drugs and language.)
She replaced Feliz Navidad with ‘Feliz Hanukkah’ (audio)
When Austin resident Trina Hernandez (photo) found out her family had Jewish roots, it allowed her to ditch the commercial aspects of Christmas she had long disliked and connect to a tradition she found more meaningful for her and her son. From NPR’s Latino USA with Maria Hinojosa.
Hip Hop Hoodíos light ‘Ocho Kandelikas’ for Hanukkah חנוכה (video)
Happy Hanukkah from the Hip Hop Hoodíos! Hanukkah חנוכה begins this year (5773) at sunset on Saturday, Dec. 8 and ends at sunset on Saturday, Dec. 16: ocho noches, Ocho Kandelikas
- RELATED: Hip Hop Hoodios see a flying saucer
Live at Temple B’nai Pocho: Yom Kippur musical confession (video)
Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement, starts at sundown tonight, and Judios all over the world confess their sins and ask forgiveness from each other and God.
In this short video, Reform Temple B’nai Pocho‘s Cantor Mindy Raf sings the traditional Yom Kippur confession hymn.
Blow that funky shofar, bot boy (Happy Rosh HaShanah video)
A musical shoutout (and Hebrew/Spanish pun) to all our friends at Temple Beth Pocho who, at sundown tonight, are celebrating Rosh HaShanah, which marks 5773 years since the creation of the world. What is that on the Mayan Calendar?
(Tekiah? One of the traditional four blasts on the ram’s horn, or shofar, on the Jewish High Holy Days of Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur.)
Hip Hop Hoodíos light ‘Ocho Kandelikas’ for Hanukkah
Happy Hanukkah from NoHo’s Hip Hop Hoodíos
Hanukkah begins at sunset on Tuesday, Dec. 20 and ends at sunset on Wednesday, Dec. 28: ocho noches, ocho kandelikas.