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Pocho Ocho worst Twitter #JeSuisCharlie hashtag fails
Some Twitter users are just unclear on the concept, especially when it comes to the appropriate use of the #JeSuisCharlie hashtag, the most popular ever (“heat map,” above). The viral slogan — coined after the massacre at Paris satire magazine Charlie Hebdo — affirms support of free expression.
French-deficient? “Je suis Charlie” means “I am Charlie.”
The Pochodores combed the Internets for these Pocho Ocho top Twitter #JeSuisCharlie hashtag fails:
‘Charlie Hebdo’ is publishing millions of these today (cover cartoon)
“All is forgiven,” says the weeping Prophet Mohammed on the cover of the first post-massacre issue of Charlie Hebdo. “I am Charlie,” reads the sign.
Read more at The Washington Post.
Caucasian-Americans rally across U.S. to protest racial profiling
(PNS reporting from RANCHO POCHO, CA) With defiant shouts of “Don’t Cauc me, bro!” and “Chechnya? I just metchnya!” dozens of Caucasian-Americans filled the corners of city parks and the edges of town squares across the Nation Sunday to protest what they call “illegal racial profiling” against Caucasians.
The identification of two Caucasian-American suspects in the Boston Marathon bombings has resulted in both nasty words and police harassment, they claim.
Mas…Caucasian-Americans rally across U.S. to protest racial profiling