la raza
Watch the commercial that won the Super Bowl: 84 Lumber
You didn’t see this on FOX! A mother and daughter make their way to El Norte in the long version of the commercial that won the Super Bowl. Thank you, 84 Lumber!
Haydn Vitera, Vanessa del Fierro: ‘Que Pasara’ (music video, lyrics)
Shot in East Austin, Que Pasara features Haydn Vitera, POCHO amiga Vanessa del Fierro, and the one and only Ruben Ramos “El Gato Negro” and celebrates the raza who made America (and Austin) great.
¡Mira los lyrics:
Mas…Haydn Vitera, Vanessa del Fierro: ‘Que Pasara’ (music video, lyrics)
Never forget! Aztlan was ‘Stolen at Gunpoint’ (NSFW video, lyrics)
In 1998, LA’s Kid Frost (Arturo Molina, Jr) and Mexican punk rappers Tijuana No teamed up for a history lesson about the so-called border imposed on Aztlan by the force of arms. SPOILER: We’re gonna get it back! [NSFW F-bombs.]
Mira los lyrics:
Mas…Never forget! Aztlan was ‘Stolen at Gunpoint’ (NSFW video, lyrics)
Pocho Ocho best ways to tell if someone is a member of ‘LA RAZA’
You know that “Mexican Judge,” Gonzalo P. Curiel? He can’t be impartial in the Trump University fraud case because he’s a member of that militant Mexican cabal known as LA RAZA.
And he’s not the only one! After all, you can’t have a conspiracy with only one conspirator, amirite?
There might even be card-carrying members of LA RAZA in your neighborhood, at your job, talking about you in Spanish at the next table over, or ohmygod in your kids’ schools!
Be aware and be prepared, America.
Here are the Pocho Ocho Best Ways to Tell if Someone Is A Member Of LA RAZA:
8. Nopal en la frente
7. MEChA meeting
6. No era penal
Mas…Pocho Ocho best ways to tell if someone is a member of ‘LA RAZA’
True Story: I was a teenaged guera, white like Jesus too
In 1969, my mother registered to vote as a member of La Raza Unida, an independent “third party.”
When she came home and shared the news with her father — declaring that she was a “Chicana” — he grew angry.
He told her never to use that word, since “Chicano” was a derogatory term when he was growing up.
Despite my mother’s defiance of the patriarchal family regime that day, she never talked much about the importance of our Mexican heritage or exploring the values of Xicanisma.
Mom did send me to an all-girls Catholic high school, however, and maybe that was an attempt at showing me empowerment for women. The school was in 75% white Glendora, though, so our Jesus statues were white (photo, above), just like our feminism.
Mas…True Story: I was a teenaged guera, white like Jesus too
Kid Frost: He fought for ‘La Raza,’ he’s now fighting cancer (video)
Let’s all thank L.A. homie Arturo Molina Jr. — you may know him as Kid Frost — for keeping it real since the 1990’s epic La Raza. And please let’s everybody send some pocho power vibes his way to help him fight a cancer diagnosis. [Adult language, situations, NSFW]
Mas…Kid Frost: He fought for ‘La Raza,’ he’s now fighting cancer (video)
What Being Hispanic Means to Me: A Short Story (video)
Live from her bedroom, California-native high school senior Allison Reyes explains the heartaches and joys of Being Hispanic. SPOILER: If she had to do it all over again, she wouldn’t change a thing.
Looking for tacos and mezcal in Malmo, Sweden? Try La Raza (video)
When in Malmo, Sweden, half-way decent-looking tacos and comida Mexicana can be found at La Raza Street Food & Tacos. And if the food sucks, they have mezcal!
There’s also a Mexican grocery store, MexGrocer that looks legit. (FYI, one KRONER = 15¢):
Mas…Looking for tacos and mezcal in Malmo, Sweden? Try La Raza (video)
It’s NAILZ Day — make nail art por la raza (photo)
From ‘Legalizame’ by Dazer: The haunting ‘La Raza’ (audio, video)
Hip hop artist/activist Dazer — originally from Chile — lives and creates in Los Angeles where he filmed the haunting La Raza, featured on his new album Legalizame. The beauty of the melody makes the lyrics soar.
Here the words in Spanish and (robot) English and a streaming audio-only file:
Mas…From ‘Legalizame’ by Dazer: The haunting ‘La Raza’ (audio, video)
Scheme: Yo soy ‘Chicano’ (music video)
Scheme’s 2009 hip-hop video is still true today. Same as it ever was?
Scheme’s latest — La Clika — is here (audio):
Kid Frost: Don’t mess with ‘La Raza’ (music video)
Frost (the artist formerly known as Kid Frost) was tired of dudes just gettin’ over on La Raza when he released this classic Chicano rap track in 1990.
Xican@ Space Odyssey: Lance Liberty reports for 101.3 Honest Radio
It is sometime in the near future.
Laws have been set in motion to protect the American Homeland. Your freedom and sanity are at stake. Oh, and your jobs.
I forgot about your jobs. And your beautifully domesticated wives and children. You pay your taxes, yet you feel one-upped. Lied to. I know. I have a mortgage and a timeshare I haven’t paid in months. Meanwhile our lazy neighbors to the south consume our resources. But there’s no need to fear. No longer do we have to sit in Victoria’s Secret as our wives are gawked at by gang-banging border hoppers. No. Victoria is just beyond the horizon. And one man risks it all in his comfy radio studio located somewhere in the Arizona desert.
That man is Lance Liberty for 101.3 Honest Radio. Take it away, Lance…
Mas…Xican@ Space Odyssey: Lance Liberty reports for 101.3 Honest Radio
Blonde Mexican dissident seeks asylum in Chinese restaurant

Rubio was spirited away from his home in a car trunk at noon yesterday by friends who convinced suspicious local gang members the getaway vehicle was sagging the trunk was filled with drogas, one source told PNS.
“Pablo went to the Che Xuan Panda restaurant because to them he looks Mexican,” she said. “We all look Mexican to them. Also the 75 pesos lunch special with soup and egg roll rocks.”
Pocho Ñews Service PNS is a wholly-fictitious subsidiary of Pochismo, Inc., a California corporation, who is a person according to the Supreme Court. Don’t ask us, we just work here.
MEChA changes name to one members can pronounce
(PNS reporting from WASHINGTON D.C.) The board of the historic student organization MEChA voted Wednesday to change the group’s name to something easier for its members to pronounce.
MEChA was born during the Chicano Civil Rights Movement, and its name — Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán — was an artifact of its 1960s’ genesis. But Xicano activism waned in the ensuing decades; every year since 1968, for example, the number of baby girls named Xochitl has declined.
Members are no longer interested in getting back to their Nahuatl roots and Los Angeles local chapter male co-chair David Hernandez told PNS that there’s no need. “I mean, I already am from Aztlán, Whittier, you know? And we don’t speak Spanish here,” he said.
Letter to the Editor: The Ghetto Manifesto by Lady D (NSFW audio)
It came in exactly this way via our handy SUBMIT form. (On the go? There’s a NSFW two-minute audio podcast version we created at the bottom of this article):
This is to every person who wants to get out and break free to be human and not be a fucking stereotype. I call it the Ghetto Manifesto. I was bred from a culture that lives in fear to succeed. We were once the Gods of the Temples- the living legends standing proud on the steps of Tenochtitlan- Now we are on our knees glorifying the filth around us. Our streets are filled with soldiers of ignorance and rage- fighting brother against brother- for what? A piece of land that we don't even own? For the love we did not receive at home? We call out names- spill our hateful rhetoric, beat each other to be let in to an exclusive group of clowns with silly names. Taking family trips in to unknown territories using hurtful toys to shed innocent blood. The family. What a fucking joke.
Mas…Letter to the Editor: The Ghetto Manifesto by Lady D (NSFW audio)
California’s new official poetry man is Juan Felipe Herrera (video)
Gov. Jerry Brown has sworn in UC Riverside professor Juan Felipe Herrera as California’s Poet Laureate — the first Chicano to get the honor. In this video, Herrera reads his poem 187 reasons Mexicanos can’t cross the border. The poem illustrates the difference between Jerry Brown’s California and Jan Brewer’s Hate State of Arizona, where Mexican-American Studies are outlawed. Cali isn’t perfect, but at least we know where we came from.
Who, exactly, IS a pocho?
Pocho used to be defined by what it wasn’t. But that was a long time ago.
Pocho, by my reckoning, used to be one thing but now it’s another. To be a pocho used to mean that you weren’t a legitimate Latino – and I use the word Latino in a very broad sense (I understand the whole Latinos-don’t-speak-Latin thing, but I use the term for a more utilitarian reason: it suits my purpose).