lalo alcaraz
Star Wars loteria cards: Just the mashup you were looking for
Artist Chepo Peña was inspired by Mexican loteria cards and George Lucas’ Star Wars to create these graphics. George Lucas said thanks, Chepa, but don’t sell them. So he stopped selling them but still keeps them on the Internets. There’s more info over at the TextMex blog (by our amigo Memo Nericcio) and Chepo Peña’s site is here.
Mas…Star Wars loteria cards: Just the mashup you were looking for
¿Quién es más revolucionario? Vote today!
Last year POCHO Jefe-in-Chief Lalo Alcaraz won the New Americano Award from Social Revolución, an interactive movement that recognizes Latinos utilizing social media as a platform to create and inspire change.
I went to San Antonio and met the Mexican Elvis (photos)
I went to San Antonio, Tejas, got some posing tips from the Mexican Elvis and these photos, too. Note: I am the vato without the cape.
Mas…I went to San Antonio and met the Mexican Elvis (photos)
POCHO’s Lalo Alcaraz toons up Sotomayor interview on ’60 Minutes’
Was that a cartoon by POCHO Jefe-in-Chief Lalo Alcaraz hanging on Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s office wall in Sunday night’s 60 Minutes interview? Why yes it was!
Note from Lalo: The original cartoon, entitled L’il Judge Lopez, is signed by me and my daughter, who was the model/inspiration for the little girl in the toon.
Here’s the full-sized version of the cartoon and the 60 Minutes interview (cartoon @ 11:37):
Mas…POCHO’s Lalo Alcaraz toons up Sotomayor interview on ’60 Minutes’
La Cucaracha: All I want for Christmas is… (toon)
Based on the POCHO story “The Talking Dead: No Habla Zombie” by S.J. Rivera.
Vote! Eternal vigilance of the price of liberty (toon)
Are you registered? Check with This image is available as signed print at
NBC profiles Jefe Lalo Alcaraz for Hispanic Heritage Month (video)
It’s only fair, really. POCHO Jefe-in-Chief Lalo Alcaraz gets props during Hispanic Heritage Month, or, as he likes to call it, Latino Heritage Month. Ana Garcia of KNBC Los Angeles reports.
Ñewsweek: Romney? Ya No Más, I wish I were Latino; iPhone La Raza
Say hello to Angry Abuelas, pochos. The new iPhone 5 — code-named La Raza — is especially designed for Latinos.
Two videos broke the news: GOP presidential wannabe Mitt Romney wished he were a puro Latino and his campaign released a new Spanish-language ad aimed at “white Hispanics.”
In science ñews, cilantro haters breathed a sigh of relief as genetics proved it was not their fault and the new African monkey species looks familiar somehow.
Here are the links:
Mas…Ñewsweek: Romney? Ya No Más, I wish I were Latino; iPhone La Raza
ZOMG! Mainstream media discovers pochismo for profit
Mainstream media has finally awakened to the profit potential of pochismo, according to the prestigious Columbia Journalism Review:
Lalo Alcaraz [photo, right] has always embraced the word pocho. It refers to Mexican-Americans who have lost their Mexican culture and speak English, and it’s what relatives occasionally called Alcaraz when he was growing up in San Diego. He has leveraged it ever since. In the 1990s, Alcaraz and a friend founded POCHO Magazine, which led to Both projects used English when, for years, “Hispanic media” usually meant Spanish-language content. They satirized Latino issues and poked fun at biculturalism. “We had the National Pochismo Institute,” he says, “where we would send out a fake survey and ‘rate your pochismo.’ ” Currently, Alcaraz hosts a radio show called the “Pocho Hour of Power” on KPFK in Los Angeles.
‘La Cucaracha’ salutes Hollywood great Lupe Ontiveros (toon)
I drew this tribute obituary comic strip for the great actress and activist Lupe Ontiveros, who passed away on July 26. In this strip, Vero, Eddie and Cuco send off Lupe as she appears before her Hollywood Walk of Fame star in the sky. Lupe was a one-of-a-kind soul who brought lots of joy to many.
This image was displayed at her rosary and wake.
Read more about Lupe here, and see more La Cucaracha comics at Go Comics.
Ñewsweek: Crip-walkin’, boner-stalkin’, white-talkin’ and Irish stuff
POCHO caught Olympic fever this week as the ñews from London captivated the Internets.
Who could ever forget the magic of Serena William’s Crip-walking victory dance, complemented by our astutely-curated contextualizing rich media augmentation — a C-walk video from España?
And when a bronze-winning American rower brandished a boner at the medal ceremony, only Jon Stewart and POCHO Migrant Editor Al Madrigal were men enough to get to the root of the problem, a story so popular that POCHO is #1 on Google when you search for “jon stewart olympic stiffy.”
*NOT ALL! MORE SAY!* Hey, white guy — the viral video for middle class male Caucasians who are sick and tired of all the damn attention being paid to women and minorities and gays — remains a World Wide Websation, and our scandalous Irish Broadcasting Authority Olympic NSFW video exposed for all of America the kind of coverage NBC was afraid to deliver.
Hella week, eh? Mira the links:
Mas…Ñewsweek: Crip-walkin’, boner-stalkin’, white-talkin’ and Irish stuff
Ñewsweek: Mea maxima culpa, Anaheim and RIP Lupe Ontiveros
Mainstream media wants to know: WTF are ‘pochos’ and ‘nacos’?
I have long said it is a Pocho Planet, and maybe you can make the case that it’s a Naco World as well!
We all know what a pocha or a pocho is, and the greatness and prestige that designation implies. But if you aren’t clear, or wondering what the hell naco means, watch this mun2 video featuring Gustavo Arellano, Jenni Rivera, Commander Adama plus many other cool folks. And me.
Thanks to the gente at mun2 for having me!
- Here’s a link to mun2’s video (12 minutes) and a link to an extended interview with moi.
Naco was the Word of the Day at the Daily Texican in 2004
POCHO Jefe-in-Chief Lalo Alcaraz is LA’s top editorial cartoonist
POCHO Jefe-in-Chief Lalo Alcaraz won the Los Angeles Press Club’s top award yesterday (once again) for best editorial cartoon. Lalo, who photographed himself and his award with President Bartlet, tells the story and shares the cartoon on This is his sixth award from the journalism society.
Beverly Hills Mexican restaurant where Lalo got profiled shuts down
One night in February, POCHO Jefe-in-Chief Lalo Alcaraz was waiting for the valet to retrieve his car outside a Mexican restaurant in Beverly Hills when a white lady repeatedly thrust her parking valet ticket in his direction.
Lalo was at the restaurant to speak on a panel for DigitalLA Latino Content professionals on the need for Latinos to create and control their own media content and channels because mainstream media stereotypes of Latinos are, you know, stereotypes.
And now that restaurant has abruptly closed. No more gigantic fresh three-way chips of blue corn, yucca and plantains with both salsa verde and salsa habanera. No more empanadas. No more $5 Happy Hour specials like ceviche shooters.
We don’t know why they closed (the website is all white.) It’s a shame — they were berry berry nice to us. In memoriam, here’s Lalo’s epic account of that evening. The headline?
Standing While Brown: A white lady tried to get me to valet her car
Mas…Beverly Hills Mexican restaurant where Lalo got profiled shuts down
PochoCast #3: Alcaraz and Madrigal on tacos and art and identity
POCHO Jefe-in-Chief Lalo Alcaraz gets Migrant Editor Al Madrigal on Skype to talk about the art and death of Thomas Kinkade and the Pew Hispanic identity survey (Latino? Hispanic? Mexican?)
¡Ask A Mexican! Gustavo Arellano phones in to discuss his delicious new book Taco USA and producer Marcelo Ziperovich wonders if he’s a “white Hispanic” like you know who.
Oh! The laughs we had. Those were the days my friend, I thought they’d never end. Is this thing still on?
Lalo Alcaraz: Selected cartoons, posters, art and illustrations
Here are some of my recent favorite cartoons, posters, illustrations and propaganda.
I hope they’re your favorites, too!
Lalo Alcaraz draws his split personality in ‘La Cucaracha’ (video)
Two years ago, POCHO Jefe-in-Chief Lalo Alcaraz (San Diego State University 1987) told folks at his alma mater how college days during the Reagan era led to his split personality. The two halves of his brain are now the two main characters in his syndicated daily comic La Cucaracha.
Mas…Lalo Alcaraz draws his split personality in ‘La Cucaracha’ (video)
PochoCast #2: Human WiFi hotspots, asteroids, satire and SXSW
Saturday Night Funnies! In our exciting and biting second podcast, POCHO’s Jefe-in-Chief Lalo Alcaraz, Migrant Editor Al Madrigal and Subcommandanta del News Sara Inés Calderón talk about homeless human WiFi hotspots, an asteroid heading towards Earth, disaster preparedness (Al grows veggies) and the Austin GeekFiesta also known as SXSW (South By Southwest.) LOLs aplenty! (NSFW language.)
Podcast produced by Marcelo Ziperovich, Jefe de Creative, who also took these photos.
How Lalo Alcaraz got me fired from – the true story
From December of 2010 through Spring 2011, I was the editor of, the West Los Angeles outpost of AOL/Huffington Post’s “hyperlocal” news operation.
For Cinco de Mayo, I commissioned three stories: The real history of Cinco de Mayo as related by a professor at Mount St. Mary’s (Brentwood’s only college), the best places to celebrate with nachos and beer in Brentwood and a cartoon from my friend Lalo Alcaraz about how the Battle of Puebla is understood in Brentwood.
Mas…How Lalo Alcaraz got me fired from – the true story
Ñewsweek: Super Taco Tuesday, mujeres and media mensos
POCHO’s favorite candidate, the mariachi-like Mexican Mitt Romney, scored the combo plate of election success in the Super Taco Tuesday primaries but fellow Republican Rush Limbaugh stepped in a big pile of slut when he opened his fat mouth. Dear Rush: Are you finished? Then wipe yourself!
Here are some of the stories that made our ñewsweek: