latino vote
Never-published ‘Alt-Right’ tabloid front page called HRC win an ‘attack’
(PNS reporting from the ALT YORK CITY, ALT YORK) The Wednesday issue of the local “Alt-Right” newspaper — The Putin Press & Patriot — was prepared to report a Hillary Clinton’s election victory as an “attack” on America, PNS has learned (photo.) [Editor’s Note: A “newspaper” is an pre-Millennial period analog instantiation of intellectual property — i.e. “content” — fixed on a physical medium comprised of a data-carrying chemical reagent and processed dead trees.]
He was a Latino GOP official, until Donald Trump came along (video)
Ignacio Padilla was always Republican; he even served as treasurer of the party in New Mexico. But everything changed when Trump became the party’s nominee. Padilla started making Trump piñatas and was fired. Now he gives people in Santa Fe a chance to hit Trump.
Lalo Alcaraz and Gustavo Arellano: What is ‘Hispandering’? (audio)
POCHO’s Jefe-in-Chief Lalo Alcaraz (right) and POCHO Associate Naranjero Gustavo Arellano (left) know politicians will say and do almost anything to get the critical Hispanic vote. Last week, they explained this “Hispandering” to LatinoUSA.
Kanye West practices Latino outreach for 2020 campaign (video)
When he makes his presidential run in 2020, Kanye West is not gonna alienate potential Latino voters like Trump, oh no he won’t.
I’m Donald Trump and I approved this hateful message (toon)
This toon originally appeared in the San Diego Free Press. Gracias!
It came from outer espace: Demographic meteor disaster (toon)
More toons from POCHO Jefe-in-Chief Lalo Alcaraz @ Huffington Post Latino Voices…
Local Latina mom tired of people suddenly caring about her, Latinos
(PNS reporting from HOUSTON) María Solis is tired. Specifically, she’s tired of everybody suddenly caring about what she thinks — about anything at all.
Ever since the election and subsequent media obsession with the “Latino voter,” her life has changed dramatically.
“It’s getting to be a bit much,” she told PNS in a Skype interview Thursday night. “I mean, now everyone is all considerate of my feelings about things. I keep getting asked what my thoughts on immigration reform or gun control are — I’ve had enough!”
Solis, mother of four-year-old fraternal twins Santino and Elise, misses the days when people would crack racist jokes in front of her and her Mexican-born mother as though they didn’t exist.
Mas…Local Latina mom tired of people suddenly caring about her, Latinos
Pocho Ocho ways you gabacho guys might be Hispandering
Since the election, all the cool guys want to be Latinos and maybe you do too, Mr. White, Non-Hispanic-American. We understand, but we want to make sure you don’t go overboard. Peep our pocho ocho ways you might be Hispandering:
8. Goodbye iPod, hello maracas
7. Your name is now spelled Bíll Coñnelly
6. You call the guys in your golf foursome “mi gente”
5. You lower your Prius
4. You change your name to Geraldo
3. Lifetime membership in Chest Hair Club for Men
2. Complain “it would be easier if I were Latino”
And the numero uno way you might be Hispandering is…
Contagious Latinophilia hits U.S.; Boehner, Hannity, Arpaio infected
(PNS reporting from WASHINGTON, D.C.) Public health officials are concerned about contagious Latinophilia that has spread with breathtaking speed across America since Bronco Bama’s reelection last week.
Former anti-Latino pundits and politicians who for years went out of their way to make life miserable for Latinos are now succumbing to what scientists believe may be a viral condition.
“Almost immediately after the election — which may have been decided by the massive Latino vote — reports began flooding our offices,” Robert McLean, Director of Public Health Outbreaks at the Centers for Disease Control in Washington, D.C. said this morning at a press conference.
“All across the nation an increasing number of white men have expressed a new need to reach out to Latinos,” he said.
Mas…Contagious Latinophilia hits U.S.; Boehner, Hannity, Arpaio infected
From 2008: ‘Viva Obama’ (toon)
Ñewsweek: Tucson school board’s exercise in ignorance and hate

POCHO Migrant Editor Al Madrigal (he commutes coast-to-coast so he can work nights as Senior Latino Correspondent for The Daily Show) went to Tucson AZ to find out why students there aren’t allowed to take classes in Mexican-American history.
Cameras running, Al interviewed a school board official who was apparently high on ignorance, stupidity and hate.
These are the POCHO stories that broke the ñews this week:
Mas…Ñewsweek: Tucson school board’s exercise in ignorance and hate