Trump: ‘Drain the Sewer’ is my new ‘Drain the Swamp’ (toon)
[Payton Hoegh toons regularly at Weekly Political dot com.]
Try these quality Trump Organization ‘Made In America’ products (toon)
[Payton Hoegh toons regularly at Weekly Political dot com.]
Trump on Twitter makes the presidency modern again! (toon)
[Payton Hoegh toons regularly at Weekly Political dot com.]
Mitch McConnell the Magician pulls healthcare out of a hat (toon)
[Payton Hoegh toons regularly at Weekly Political dot com.]
Who Knew? How to pledge loyalty to Lord Donald Trump (toon)
[Payton Hoegh toons regularly at Weekly Political dot com.]
Why did Trump fire FBI director Comey? (toon)
Trump and O’Reilly up in a tree, A-S-S-A-U-L-T-I-N-G (toon)
Dead Man Talking: George Carlin is no fan of Lance Armstrong (video)
Back from the dead and live on tape, George Carlin is not afraid to share his feelings about Lance Armstrong. [Totally NSFW language.]
Brave right-wing bloggers expose Obummer’s ‘Operation Fork & Furious’
The fearless frackers at the dead Breitbart blog (screen capture, right) are all outraged about a so-called “security action” before the President’s speech last week at the NALEO conference:
Judging from Obama’s actions at this years National Association of Latino Elected Officials (NALEO) luncheon, Obama’s newest fear is Latinos with forks. Obama had the Secret Service confiscate all the dinner forks from the participants at the June 22 event held in Orlando, Florida.
Hats off, Breitbarfers! You discovered a new conspiracy where none existed before, and you didn’t have to use deceptively-edited video to make your fake-ass point.
Mas…Brave right-wing bloggers expose Obummer’s ‘Operation Fork & Furious’