Mas…La Cucaracha’s Great Moments in Latino History: The Taco-Pupusa Truce
La Cucaracha: We’ve Still Got More Great Moments in Latino History (toons)
Mas…La Cucaracha: We’ve Still Got More Great Moments in Latino History (toons)
This image of a ‘Tamalada’ is in the Smithsonian collection (toon)
Tamalada, a lithograph by Chicana artist Carmen Lomas Garza, is in the collection of the Smithsonian. Looks sorta like your family, right, primo?
Chef Maria explains: A good taco starts with a good tortilla (video)
A good taco starts with a good tortilla. Chef Maria Mazon of Tucson’s Boca Tacos y Tequila explains.
WATCH: From maiz to masa, from masa to your table (mesa)
From Milpa to Mesa highlights the process of transforming heirloom corn from tiny farms across Mexico into tortillas.
Helpful glossary from video creators The Perennial Plate:
Mas…WATCH: From maiz to masa, from masa to your table (mesa)
Student Video: ‘Making tamales with Yamelith’ (and her mom)
We bet this looks familiar! Yamelith made tamales with her mom over the Thanksgiving weekend and shared her experience in this student video, uploaded by the Charles W. Harris School in Phoenix, AZ.
Chef with beard invents a grilled-cheese ‘taco’ that isn’t a quesadilla
As our esteemed Associate Naranjero Gustavo ¡Ask a Mexican! Arellano has pointed out over and over, the taco is American as apple pie.
That’s why we weren’t surprised when we read reports of a marvelous new American “taco” creation, the grilled-cheese taco.
Although we think the so-called Elite Daily’s headline asserting that “You’ll Never Need a Tortilla Again” betrays the bleak gustatory horizons of an editor who has never eaten a proper tortilla (see videos below), we are thankful she included a link to the original recipe.
Originator FoodInMyBeard blog (original recipes and mashups by Dan Whalen) lays out the rationale:
Mas…Chef with beard invents a grilled-cheese ‘taco’ that isn’t a quesadilla
Cooking students in Tabasco make world’s longest tamal (videos)
Gastronomy students at the Tabasco campus of the Autonomous University of Guadalajara broke a Guinness world record Saturday with the world’s longest tamal — a tamal wrapped in Yucatan-style banana leaves instead of the corn husks used in other parts of Mexico.
And remember, kids, there is NO SUCH THING AS A “TAMALE:”
Mas…Cooking students in Tabasco make world’s longest tamal (videos)
Saddest song ever! Lalo Guerrero sings “There’s No Tortillas” (video)
The great Lalo Guerrero can hardly sing for all the weeping as he performs There’s No Tortillas. And who can blame him?
Here’s our favorite (non parody) Lalo Guerrero song — he calls it a “boogie woogie jitterbug”:
Mas…Saddest song ever! Lalo Guerrero sings “There’s No Tortillas” (video)
Gringo with USC t-shirt makes tacos including fresh corn tortillas (video)
Greg Streech is so hungry for tacos he makes his own, starting with corn tortillas from scratch. And a margarita. Trojans are chingon!
Here’s how to make champurrado – Mexican hot chocolate (video)
Champurrado is a chocolate-based hot beverage Mexicans love to drink, especially during the Christmas season. [Video via Telemundo]
Here’s the video — and the recipe — en Español:
Mas…Here’s how to make champurrado – Mexican hot chocolate (video)
When life hands you a blob of masa, make tamales!
When I arrived at Northgate Gonzalez market and was immediately handed a free apron that read I ❤️ Tamales and several blobs of uncooked masa, I knew immediately I had made the right decision for a Friday night.
Even my mother, who invited herself along after her favorite novela was cancelled due to soccer, looked grudgingly impressed. She’d spent the entire ride complaining she did not need tamales-cooking classes because she was a world-class tamales expert.
Let me be clear: In all the years I’ve been alive, my mother has never produced a single tamal.
Instead, she criticizes everyone else’s tamales.
Tortillas y tacos come in colors with these natural tricks (video)
Bay Area popup caterers ThinkSalsa make colorful tortillas using natural ingredients. You can, too!
Mas…Tortillas y tacos come in colors with these natural tricks (video)
Santa Clara de Juarez, MX, the pueblo that lives on tortillas (video)
The 3000 indigenous residents of Santa Clara de Juarez make a living by making tortillas, starting with non-GMO corn they grow in their own fields. An Australian tortillero went to the town to document the process.
Mas…Santa Clara de Juarez, MX, the pueblo that lives on tortillas (video)
Ask A Mexican: Why do Mexicans eat tamales during Christmas? (video)
♫ ♬ Masa roasting by an open fire… ♫ ♬
Wait; that masa thing doesn’t sound right. Dear Gustavo ¡Ask A Mexican! Arellano: Why do Mexicans eat tamales during Christmas?
Previously on tamales:
Mas…Ask A Mexican: Why do Mexicans eat tamales during Christmas? (video)
Don’t cry for me Argentina: How NOT to make a taco! (video)
Chef Katsuji Tanabe of Mexikosher got all indignant on his Facebook page, and he wasn’t the only one. Why so mad? It’s that darn Argentinian Chef Maru Botana and her how-to-make-a-taco video.
Argentine Chef Maru Botana Crucified On Twitter For Mocking Mexican Food was the headline in the “Latin Times,” an English-language website despite its name. Maria G. Valdez reporting [*Latin translation by Google below.]:
Mas…Don’t cry for me Argentina: How NOT to make a taco! (video)
Breaking: Silicio Barrio startup demos 3D tortilla printer
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(PNS reporting from GUANAJUATO, MX) Previously-secret startup today unveiled a hardware/software combo that uses 3D printing to print corn or flour tortillas with the religious or brand image of your choice.
“The waiting is over!” Carlos Molinero, president of the Silicio Barrio company, told reporters here. “You need Jesus? He’s just a click away. La Virgen is always on deck!”
The WiFi-enabled printer is the size of a small microwave and has a hopper on top for masa. It uses open source 3D software, Molinero said, and is easily addressable with standard CAD tools.
Mas…Breaking: Silicio Barrio startup demos 3D tortilla printer
Dear Abuelita: Foreskin and seven years ago, I’ve got man boobs
Dear Abuelita,
I have still my cuero (foreskin) and I was wondering if I get circumcised will I feel better when I am inside a choncho or will I be wasting my ficha.
Signed, Extra Carne
Dear Extra Carne Carnal,
Some people dislike extra carnita on their flauta but a little foreskin can be fun during foreplay. I can’t tell you how many times I played peek-a-boo with uncut pee-pees. Now you see it – now you don’t. Now you see it – oh, the laughs we had.
Mas…Dear Abuelita: Foreskin and seven years ago, I’ve got man boobs
Pocho Ocho U.S. military secret special operations
The minute we heard the United States Air Force had planned and carried out Operation Chimichanga, we knew there had to be more to the story. Our Pentagon sources confirmed the hunch: The inspiration for the “chimichanga” code name was the way the Tex-Mex fried-burrito-belly-busters incapacitated unwary diners every time. The brass hats’ hope was that secret teams in state-of-the-art aircraft could make the enemy moan just like fajita-fed TGIFridays customers on Cinco de Mayo.
There is more to the story — the pocho ocho secret Pentagon operations still in the planning stages:
8. Operation Don’t Drink the Water: Secret “wetback” forces from the Navy SEALS sneak into enemy territory and dose the water with “pedo-biotic” agents bioengineered to cause widespread “Montezuma’s Revenge.” This is expected to cause pandemic personal distress, lessen the enemy’s fighting capability and reduce water pressure.
7. Operation Hot Tamale: Inspired by the guetherman’s motto of “cool today, hot tamale,” stealthy airborne drones seed enemy skies with specially-formulated lard and masa pellets that trap your fat, screw your cholesterol and clot your veins.
Pocho Ocho new merit badges for Latina Girl Scouts

Latina girls are the key to growth for the Girl Scouts, and the organization needs to shift culturally to accommodate these new scouts.
How do you bring in a new crop of Latina scouts? How about some new Merit Badges?
8. Touting Trenzas.
It may be India María style or Frida Kahlo style, but any good Latina needs to know how to work the hair art. Whether it be one braid or two, a French braid or any other variety.
7. Masa Mashing.
Scouts need to know how to mash masa around between their hands in a variety of ways. Masa mashing can be the cultural equivalent of chopping, the manner in which masa is mashed alluding to unspoken or subtle feelings, including: anger, happiness, interest, nervousness, etc.
Pocho Ocho reasons Mexican food is good for you

8. Beans, beans the magical fruit
7. The tortilla is the perfect shape and size for religious apparitions and spiritual experiences
6. Manteca — it’s the new kombucha
5. Pronouncing “chipotle” deemed World’s Best Tongue Exercise by Women’s Love Commission